Feb 04, 2004 23:22
Well, today is a little better.
My new mattress arrived earlier, so I'm looking forward to testing that bad-boy out ;)
And also! I've managed to make serious progress with my DirectX programming, such that I can now load an 8-bit bitmap!
"Awesome!" I hear you cry, and I would have to agree, but sadly I'm stuck trying to load a 24-bit bitmap and convert it to a 32-bit bitmap for output on a 32 BPP (that's bite per pixel) program.
"Damn!" you sigh... But I'll sort it out eventually, don't you worry ^_^
Apart from that - many thanx to John for offering to help me get my mits on some old journals for a potential interview at Aber. Thanx to Beth for offering in the first place, but since John's so much closer, it'd be muchos easier. Thanx one-and-all 8)