What is the deal? OK, this sounds like a Seinfeld routine, but I'm serious! I'm not totally stricken like I was Monday, but I've had headache problems all friggin' week long - and it seems I am not alone. Bleh. It's still lurking today. Misery loves company but I still find this suspicious. (I know that's hard to believe - NOT!!!) Hurm.
Tonight should be fun though - no, I can't join any of the Two Towers minions, for it is the birthday of my dear
buffalobills! We are going to dinner at Taj Mahal and then piling in the Tempest-mobile to look at lights. (Since it's approaching month-end, our birthday girl is feeling a little low key and frankly, so am I! A quiet celebration will be nice, even though I'm missing my department's holiday party.)
And no, I can't go see it Friday either. Requisite company party appearance at the divisional gig (but free food and drinks so according to
cluegirl I must go snarf all I can)! Have to attend another party Saturday night for video folks, so perhaps after Yule on Sunday... yesh, that's appropriate. Especially since I have Monday & Tuesday free. That's when
punkinbutt and hubby IceMan will be here to celebrate Christmas. Yes, the Ice Man cometh.
OK, I'm done now.
Oh, and I got the CUTEST loot from my Secret Santa. A brown chenille scarf, oh so soft with faux leopard fur trim, matching chenille gloves trimmed in the same fur and a faux fur headband. It needs to get cold again because I am too cute in my gear! Heh.
OK, I luh-view, buh-bye!!!
-a (wondering where the hell that came from...)