More from Michael Moore

Dec 02, 2002 11:28

Got this forward from someone on his mailing list. Interesting indeed. Don't know that I agree with all of the content, but there are seeds of good ideas. Whatever is going on, there are no simple solutions.

A Thanksgiving Day Letter from Michael Moore
November 27, 2002
Dear Friends,

It is Thanksgiving 2002 and it would seem that there is little to give thanks for this year. W. has scored an unbelievable hat trick and is now the first Republican since Eisenhower to control the House, the Senate and the White House. There is no getting around just how damned demoralizing and depressing this is. I wish there was a way to put a better face on what has transpired, but my well of optimism is just about dry. Bush has his "mandate" for war, his "mandate" for global frying, his "mandate" to turn our government into his own private corporation.

Except... Only about 20% of the American people showed up three weeks ago to vote for a Republican. That's it. Just 20%. And about 19% voted for a Democrat (an amazing number considering how few fights the Democrats put up around the country).

And 61% said, "To hell with all of them!" and refused to show up and vote. I am not surprised this happened. My greatest fear after the 2000 election was that the majority of Americans would just give up and say, "Why bother?" If there was one message to the average American from Bush's theft of the White House, it was this: "Not only doesn't your vote count, but even if you do vote, we're not going to count it!" I fear millions earlier this month saw the futility of exercising their right to govern when those who did the governing decided that the will of the people could be disposed of as easily as a drunk driving citation on a Kennebunkport back road.

Even worse, African Americans, whose right to vote was the most egregiously violated (and who usually are the first to stand and fight injustice), seem to have given up. Betrayed, forgotten and taken for granted by the Democrats, black voters saw no reason to revolt in 2000-and little reason to show up in 2002. They got the message loud and clear: "This is White America-we call the shots, we run this place, so shut the f*** up and stay home. The polls have closed for you."

Of course, those in charge are thrilled that 61% of the country has given up. That's right where they want us-out of the way! And it is for that reason alone why we must not now throw in the towel. If we sink into a collective state of despair, disgust and disinterest, we are truly doomed. Bush & Company (and this includes the Democrats) are all-too-happy to be left alone to run amok in the candy store. And, in the end, here is what we'll be left with: billions of impoverished people around the world hoping for a chance to kill you and me someday!

Ok, so what do we do? Perhaps the silver lining in all this is that Bush will actually think he has a "mandate" and pull such a big, stinking whopper that his re-installation in 2004 will be rendered impossible. Or perhaps some prosecutor somewhere will have the guts to indict him for the insider trading he conducted while on the board of Harken Oil. Who knows. A lot can happen in 23 months.

In the meantime, you, me, all of us, have to get together and come up with a plan that gets this country back in our hands. I have a few ideas. I'll bet you do, too. Why don't we have an online brainstorming session from now through the holidays? I'll set up a thread on my forum at for you to post your comments and to generate a discussion about what we do for 2004.

Or, if you want to send me your thoughts directly, email me at I've just learned the site is getting over 2 million hits a day. Right now, 2,000,000 heads certainly feel better
than one.

Pass the turkey.

Michael Moore

incendiary politics, activism

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