lmhdesigns, help me! I'm having WRMs*TM, too!
Granted, they're not as pronounced or quite as personal... but they're no less disconcerting for all that.
In the women's restroom at work, I keep encountering the odd Extra Long Piece of TP. Sure, TP in a restroom isn't weird. But this is hung from the front wall of the stall. See, there's a thumb's width of space between the solid building wall and the start of the wall/front door structure of the stall section. (Sure, I have big thumbs-I mean, not
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues big, but still...)
Apparently, someone is worried about peeping... or else they're just really, REALLY bashful. 'Cuz on several occasions, I've gone in and seen a long piece of TP hanging in that wee space. As if a floaty TP piece is protective of one's modesty? (I don't want to think how hard someone would have to work to see something in that space. I mean, it's not as though you'd catch someone doing their bidness with a casual glance.) Wow... maybe there are larger concerns at play here.
File it under "Things that make ya go 'WTF?'"
*Weird Restroom Moments