Migraine back at 3:30am yesterday. Fell back to sleep at 6am. Called work and told them to expect me only for session I had to train. Survived.
Back home by 3pm. Achey (esp. lower back). Oh, and PMS boobies too. Low-grade fever. No appetite (hurrah!). Diet over last 3 days consists of cereal, toast w/peanut butter, chicken noodle soup... and random can of Spaghettios for variety. Hurm.
Fever up to 102.1 by "Buffy." (Idly wonders if fillings could pick up local radio station.) Fever broke at 11:30pm - or at least that's what the sweat-drenched PJs indicate. Woke up again about an hour ago. Tried in vain to get back to sleep. Nothin' doin'. Also, nothin' on TV except infomercials, almost over movies and cartoons.
Random amusing line from "Freakazoid": (After falling from great height & landing w/a splat) - Ooooh, it makes my bottom all tingly. LOL
Nothing on my schedule tomorrow. Well, have that urgent project but Sr. Mgmt. N/A to approve for distribution. Officially decided NMP (Not My Problem). Am I calling in sick tomorrow? Hell yeah.