First, I'll share a saying of a friend of mine, "don't piss on a fire after a hard nights drinking." Point as many fingers, dig up as many skeletons up as you like on Senator McCain, but don't be surprised if you end up burning yourself. Obama has his own litany of scandals surrounding him, and all the preaching of empty hope hype & change in the world can't wipe his chalkboard clean.
First we have Obama's vote and speech against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act that stuns and repulses even moderate pro-choicers. Its so vile and repulsive I'm not even sure if Obama is human. He has stated repeatedly that he voted against the bill (the only one to vote against the bill mind you) because it put at risk Roe v Wade. Categorically untrue. One of the three iterations of the bill did indeed lack a clause that would protect Roe v Wade in the courts, however the second two iterations both had clauses that were exactly the same as a federal statute of similar substance that did protect Roe v Wade. Obama, caught in a lie, shocking. His campaign over the weekend even had to admit that Mr Obama "misspoke." Don't give me some pro choice diatribe, we aren't talking about abortion, we are talking about the killing of infants who are born alive. That's murder, I defy anyone to try and argue that, but if you can I have a Hitler mustache waiting as a door prize just for you.
Second, his ties to Bill Ayers and the ongoing cover-up of the documents surrounding that relationship by the University of Illinois. Bill Ayers is a terrorist by anyones definition. This is a man who bombed government buildings, an anarchist with no conscience. He has never apologized, and never will. If nothing else this clearly paints Obamas judgement as suspect, and I'm sorry your an idiot if you can't recognize that who you associate with is a direct correlation with your character and moral standards.
But lets tie this back to the youtube link that started this thread ( McCains connection with a corrupt SOB through investment in property. Don't be so hasty to cast the first stone. Need I remind you the Obamas' sweetheart house deal with crooked financier and Obama mentor Tony Rezko. Rezko being a small time mafioso and slum lord, a shining example of Chicago politics, from which the Messiah Obama has sprung.
Now I'm not on the stump for McCain, I don't much care for him, or his left of center wishy-washy ways. But you show your ignorance when you take pot shots at McCain without knowing anything more then the empty promises coming from an empty suit. Obama, while an inspired speaker, has no experience and no original ideas. He was a forgettable law professor, a mediocre "community organizer" (whatever the hell you want to define that as) and a one term senator who neither passed, sponsored, nor wrote a single significant law. Obama is George McGovern with a new hat and bigger ears. So how about you stop stroking each other off in this Obama circle jerk of praise, and do a little research. The fact is Washington is broken, our politicians are scum on both sides of the aisle, and its time we fire them all. For the record I'm voting Libertarian this year. If writing inspiring speeches is all it takes to become president these days, look for me in 2012... now all I have to do is think of a clever bumper sticker.