[Carpe] For Brienne - Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...

Feb 06, 2012 11:06

Stark has been ... bored lately. There simply hasn't been much to do for a guy like him (aside from picking friendly fights), and he feels like he's in a bit of a rut. He's found himself standing out on a porch, finishing off the last of a rare cigarette. He's noticed that his drinking and smoking have started to happen less and less often and ( Read more... )

for:brienne, carpe

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homely_sonja February 7 2012, 03:32:05 UTC
Brienne is always willing to lend you company, Stark, though she's a shy puppy. It's getting better with time, though, and when she spots her friend love interest?, she'll pause and lean by the railing.

"Something is eating you," she says quietly by way of greeting.


sandman_slim February 7 2012, 03:35:43 UTC
Stark looks over at Brienne, then down at himself. "I wouldn't be surprised if something really was," he says with a soft chuckle. "How goes things with you?"

Hey, he managed not to add the 'beautiful' that he wanted to add! He remembered that she didn't always take too well to friendly nicknames or compliments.


homely_sonja March 10 2012, 13:19:09 UTC
Stark's comment earns him a raised eyebrow, but Brienne doesn't comment (she knows better.)

"I'm well," she says quietly. "Winter came, though. Will it last very long, you think?"


sandman_slim March 10 2012, 19:41:25 UTC
Stark looks out at the snow and shakes his head. "Nah. I don't think so. It's been pretty mild here so far I think. Maybe a few months?" He glances back to her.



homely_sonja March 11 2012, 05:26:52 UTC
"It's been known to last generations in Westeros," Brienne says softly.


sandman_slim March 11 2012, 05:41:37 UTC
"It won't last that long here. Promise."


homely_sonja March 11 2012, 13:30:05 UTC
Brienne looks up at him, eyes a bit wide. "Promise?"


sandman_slim March 11 2012, 16:25:47 UTC
Stark smiles, though it really looks like more of a smirk than he intends it to. "Promise. And, even if it does try and last years and years, I'll think of something."


homely_sonja March 24 2012, 18:04:02 UTC
Brienne can't help smirking, eyes a bit incredulous, despite Stark's previous demonstrations.

"Think of something? Really?"


sandman_slim March 25 2012, 18:19:50 UTC
"Sure. I don't know what, but it'll be something." He smirks a bit at her expression.

"What, you don't think I could?"


homely_sonja June 7 2012, 06:46:53 UTC
Brienne looks a touch bemused. "Winters can last decades in Westeros," she says dubiously.

Then she remembers the fleece blanket, and smiles a bit, if shyly.

"But if anyone could make it through, it would be you."


sandman_slim June 8 2012, 02:37:28 UTC
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Stark snorts. He's smiling a bit though.

"But I think you're going to be fine. This isn't the first winter you've had here."

Shhh. I'm not here....


homely_sonja June 8 2012, 06:59:35 UTC
"No," Brienne replies softly. She might be blushing a little - she remembers Stark and how he treated her that winter. Such kindness, after Prince Oberyn Martell was such a prick.

"I will be fine."

Shhhh, neither am I...


sandman_slim June 8 2012, 07:03:29 UTC
"So, you should enjoy it. At least a bit, right?" Stark fiddles absently with the pack of cigarettes before tucking them back in his pocket. Seemed somehow ... rude to smoke around Brienne.

Not that that's stopped him before.

"Otherwise, someone might come along and make you enjoy it."

Are we hiding in the same place?


homely_sonja June 8 2012, 07:05:26 UTC
That makes Brienne smile a little, she glances at Stark, as if to make sure he's for real.

"Now, that would be preposterous, wouldn't it?"

I think it's called Antartica.... ♥


sandman_slim June 8 2012, 07:11:33 UTC
"What? Not a bit. There's all kinds of ways to make you enjoy a bit of winter. Playing in the snow, running inside when you think you're going to freeze your ass off and having a warm drink. Friend of mine back home? Made a mean hot toddy and his hard cider wasn't bad either."

Nice and cool.


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