Before I pack up my toys and move to another sandpit (I'm working on that, but you all know I'm slooooow...), I want to make sure I'm not leaving any man behind. So this would be my goodbye post. I'll update this journal only once more to leave the link to my new community.
♛ Here are 12 icons I made for the icon battle at
disneydolce. It was loads of fun, but also made me realize what I still lack as an iconmaker.
The colouring on this batch is SO random.
I don't even know, where I was heading with the second icon.
Also, obviously, I had no idea how to work with the fourth cap.
I should have just let the background be, I guess.
But I think that the Neverland icon is not that bad,
and the sixth icon, though slightly unbalanced, is almost fine.
While making this batch I realized I could not help but make cutouts
of Disney screencaps, which is such a pointless habit to have, bleh...
Also the center crop curse must go, like GO NOW!
Still I'm rather satisfied with how the first icon came out, although
it's strikingly simple, and I quite like the background on the third one*.
As for the rest, I have nothing particularly nice to say.
* Anon asked me to upload the PSD file of the Jane icon,
but since there's quite a lot merging/unmerging going on,
I decided against it. But the colouring is extra simple,
so if that somebody is still interested, I can write
a mini-tutorial on it. Just let me know :)
The whole reveal post is
♛ Also there's that five years old *pause for effect* Beauty and the Beast icon batch I made for
disney100 I've never linked to (I think...). Since my entry is still up, I decided to finally do it (I kind of liked my colouring better back then). There are 100 icons, and they're all of Belle. Preview:
Back to 2007:
this way.
♛ From now on most of my iconing time and energy will be spent on here:
I actually hope it will help me to try new things, especially new fandoms. I'm determined to not be afraid of live-action caps anymore, try new techniques, and improve my text skills. Right now I'm working on my chapter one adventure-themed batch. And I'm open to suggestions :)