For this story, you'd do best going backward, before coming to the present. If you go to entitled "Wrote up a long statement to the police" you will have Part I of the story. I'll wait.
Okay, so, now you recall that we had an encounter with a hoodlum, and I am a crazy enough barefooted redneck in a skirt to make a thug with past worry that I just MIGHT go blowing his head off... Hey, I suppose I have good presence, no? (If I have such presence, why did I have fits getting dates when I was single? Ohhh, men believe that I might blow their heads clean off, and that's a problem how? Back to the story now!)
Well, I was looking up our thug, and I found that he was released. So much for the victim notification thingies that they promised before he'd be released... (Victim, being my son who got popped in the face by the guy, not me.) Well, he is released, and he is SUPPOSED to be on parole, and in the Columbus, Ohio area. Well, I found our same dude online, in another state. He's in violation, but, well, I think that I wanna leave that alone for a few reasons:
- I want him away from here.
- He's not even from here.
- Let the next state pick up his next tab...
Is that just bad on my part, or what? How selfish is it to want to allow a thug to migrate toward another state? It COULD all be on his path home.
By the way, are YOU afraid of me?