A meme that my dearest kaechan invented herself lolol.
Going to do it, actually because it gives me an excuse to post la haha.
A internet browser meme? (I'm a Google Chrome user :D)
So it's like.. you press 'a' and copy the link/word that your browser gives you XD
And then you do for 'b' and 'c' and so on..
A - animeseason.com (aiya cause it's convenient for me as I follow anime through seasons)
B - blogger.com (Blogger)
C - community.livejournal.com/sidnad/ (obviously for SID even though I track it :x)
D - dctp.ws (detective conan)
E - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazuo_Umezu (A super good horror mangaka! Cause I always cannot rmb his name haha)
F - facebook.com (expected)
G - oogle.com (my favourite place to go when I open a tab for no reason)
H - hotmail.com (still need me to explain?)
I - Imageshack.us (hoster)
J - jobstreet.com.sg (A site for job-seekers / recruiters)
K - Ohwowz none.
L - last.fm/user/dreams_miyuki#shoutbox (haha obviously)
M - Mangastream.com (aiya so sad but obviously :( where I read my manga!)
N - neodaq.info (Neopets stock chart haha!)
O - onepiece.wikia.com/ (obvious reasons. Hmm)
P - prolongedchapter.blogspot.com (blog!)
Q - As expected, none.
R - Idem.
S - stage48.net (same)
T - twitter.com (started stalking it recently again)
U - Dadadaam none
V - video.xin.msn.com (A site for Singaporeans to catch up on local television programs)
W - ww.detectiveconanworld.com/forum (oh wowz,
CarpetCrawlerDC is going to be so proud/happy)
X - None yo, none.
Y - www.youtube.com (stalk there few times)
Z - zoro-xx.livejournal.com (For ZORO news, obv!)