Something Unexpected

Feb 17, 2012 19:27


Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please don't sue me... v_v |||

So yeah...I'm de-anoning this from the Kink Meme. Obviously this is going to be porn.

Warnings: Non-con masturbation, Non-con fellatio, abuse of ahoges, gracious Latvian language, possible OCC-ness, implied kidnapping, implied drugging, gracious descriptions of a penis and other explicit shit.



"Tik neaizsargāti…"

This was wrong…

"Tik bezpalīdzīgs…"

This was really, really wrong…

"Tātad trūkumcietējiem…"

But Australia moaned again as delicate fingers swiveled nonchalantly at his ahoge. He shifted uncomfortably as each twirl steadily fed the arousal growing in his pants. The voice above him giggled at his attempts, much to the Australian's dismay. A gasp escaped from Australia's lips when another intrusive hand cupped his bugle with great curiosity.

"Grūti jau? Man nav pat pieskāries jums..." The voice said, giving the Australian man a devious smile.

An eyebrow was raised when Australia gave an icy glare to lilac eyes above him.

"Aww... es jums apbēdinājis?" The voice teased.

"Fuck off bugger." Australia snapped.

"Nu, nu..."

The Australian yelped when the hand suddenly squeezed his erection firmly.

"Tu zini, ka tas nav mans vārds. Nu... teiksim tā." The voice commanded.


He probably hit a nerve, Australia guessed as he saw those lilac eyes twist into a pout. No way in Satan's Hell is ever going to say his name…

Really - him - of all people…!

Apparently taking no for an answer wasn't good enough. A hand slapped the Australian across the face. He shrugged it off and smiled smugly at those now enraged lilac orbs.

"Jums teikt savu vārdu!" The voice screamed out.

"Sorry 'mate - ain't gonna happen."

Latvia was upset - no pissed. He went through a lot of trouble to get this far and sure enough the Latvian wasn't going to take no for answer. Australia watched as lilac eyes glared at him intensely, but gradually soften. Then - much to Australia's confusion - the Latvian boy erupted into laughter. As if being bound to a bed and having someone molesting you was downright hilarious. After few moments, Latvia managed to regain his composure.

"Stubbornness. How amusing…" He finally said in English, although his accent was heavy.

"But it doesn't matter," Latvia moved closer to Australia's face.

"You'll soon beg for it." Lips clasped over both ahoges.

As expected, another sultry moan emitted from the man's throat. Soft, pink tongue swiveled and licked around both ahoges with stunning reflex and accuracy. Saliva accumulated at the corner of Australia's mouth as he unwillingly arched his back at another tug. While stimulating the ahoges, Latvia's fingers found the Australian's bushy eyebrows and proceeded to rub them in a circular motion.

To his surprise, they seemed only to antagonize Australia even further. The Australian bit down his lisp so that he wouldn't moan again. He knew he shouldn't give in but the temptation was…

No - he had more stamina than that. He wasn't like Italy who would already be reduced to a sniffling puddle by now. (Not that he knew from experience…)

"I-Is…tha-t all you got?" The Australian managed to spit out.

To his relief, (and yet disappointment) Latvia ceased his actions and pulled away from the ahoges with a gentle slurp. Wiping his face, the Latvian looked down at Australia. Various beads of sweats where clinging to his heaving body and his face was completely flushed. Yet those emerald eyes - despite the slight haze in them - where still defiant.

"Quite interesting that you're still resisting." Latvia said.

"I'll never give in." Australia sneered.

"Oh? Your body says otherwise…" Lilac eyes glanced down at the visible tent in the man's khaki shorts.

With a coy smile, Latvia left Australia's ahoges and started to kiss his way down south. The Australian moaned at the sensation of the hot kisses against his body, places that have been ignored.

"Ngh…y-you…ugh…fucker…" Australia moaned.

Tongue swirled around a nipple, down the groves of a muscled abdomen before swiping down and rubbing against the cotton fabric of the pants. Lilac eyes looked up to emerald ones before, with skill, Latvia unbuttoned the Australia's pants with his teeth.

The Latvian licked his lips as he took sight of the throbbing appendage.

Australia was big - big, as in, bigger than Russia. Small fingers softly trail over his hard cock, feeling the sensitive skin twitch. Latvia enjoyed watching Australia's face crease and hearing his breath shorten as he firmly rubbed his glans, which was becoming slick with pre-cum.

Bringing his hand away from Australia's cock, the Latvian slipped his thumb - slimy with Australia's pre-cum - into his mouth and licked it clean.

"You taste good…" Latvia said seductively.

He returned to running one hand slowly up and down the Australian's shaft while he cradled and fondled his balls with the other.

"Now tell me you're not enjoying this?" He asked.

Australia doesn't say anything; he turns his away from the Latvian boy. He felt disgusted that his body was betraying him.

Of course, he was no way prepared for the tongue that started to lap his manhood. The Australian gasped, startled, as Latvian engulfed the head of his cock.

Licking around Australia's cock, Latvia was relishing the copious amounts of pre-cum the Australian was leaking. The Latvian was practically sucking Australia like an ice-pop - eagerly bobbing his head up and down the swollen member and sliding his tongue across the underside of the shaft.

"Aaahh…ahnn…" The Australian whined as he unwillingly jerking his hips foreword.

"Nnnghhh…so close…" He groaned, toes curling under the Latvian's ministrations.

His breathing becomes rapid as he approaches his orgasm. Latvia notices this and sucks even harder.


Suddenly a hand grabs the base of his member forcefully and Australia responds with a yelp. He looks down at the Latvian who releases his cock with an audible pop.

"You want to release?" Latvia cooed.

Australia glared, his muscles twitched with anticipation. His body practically shivered with arousal, he needed to release.



"What was that?" The Latvian asks innocently.

"P-Please…I-" Oh God how he wanted to cum right now…

"Speak up Austrālija, you know mumbling gets you nowhere." Latvia says, shaking his finger 'no'.

The Australian shook his head bitterly. He thought he was stronger than this, he thought to could handle it. But his need to release grew persistently stronger, his desire to cum growing with every second.

Under this kind of pressure, he finally caves.

"Please…Latvia…" Australia whined.


"I want to cum…" He says softly.

A twisted smile forms on the Latvian's face.

"Kā vēlaties mana rotaļlieta~"

Feeling the death grip loosen around his cock, it doesn't take Australia long to cum. Latvia watches as the Australian climaxes, sending thin ropes of white splattering onto his stomach.

"Cik nožēlojami." He snorts.

Satisfied with his actions, the Latvian boy jumps off the bed. Opening the bedroom door, Latvia turns around. Australia lays there panting on the bed, body still twitching from his orgasm. Embarrassment and shame can be clearly seen on his face.

Just as Latvia wanted to see.

"Ar labu nakti manu poppet..." He whispers.

The door closes, leaving Australia all alone.


Shit, shit, shit...!

My first Kink Meme God this is horrible...!

ADFHSDFSF - May need to rewrite this...


Y'know...I'm debating whether I should continue this or not...mainly because I like the idea of seme!Latvia.

That and there's always room for Australia/Latvia right? Right?


Tik neaizsargāti- So vulnerable

Tik bezpalīdzīgs- So helpless

Tātad trūkumcietējiem- So needy

Grūti jau? Man nav pat pieskāries jums- Hard already? I haven't even touched you

Nu, nu- Now, now

Tu zini, ka tas nav mans vārds. Nu... teiksim tā- You know that's not my name. Now... say it.

Jums teikt savu vārdu - You will say my name!

Austrālija - Australia

Kā vēlaties mana rotaļlieta - As you wish my toy

Cik nožēlojami - How pathetic

Ar labu nakti manu poppet - Good poppet

crack pairing, fanficiton, australia, fanfiction, latvia, slash

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