Hell Frozen Rain [3/?]

Sep 09, 2011 16:53

In Between

Eduardo looks back and sees that the café has disappeared into the fog. With no means of transportation, Rodriguez can only wander about on foot and alone in the eerie town.

"It's too quiet…something's off…" He thought.

At some point the Mexican begun to run. He needed to find help for him and Alfred. However after running a bit, Eduardo's hopes were crushed. The streets were in such a state of neglect that they collapsed into deep pits. Jagged pieces of concrete and asphalt greeted him each time he found roads that left the town or used to be main thoroughfares.

Rodriguez then decided to try going back the way he came. After running for a bit he came to another deep chasm like before. It was as if Silent Hill was floating in the air. There was no way for anyone to enter the town. By now Eduardo became unsure that it was impossible to find anyone in this place. He felt like a caged bird as he walked apathetically and aimlessly through the falling snow.

It was not long before a black, wriggling object appeared in his field of vision.

"What…is that?" Eduardo said in disbelief.

From off in the fog, the four-legged thing moved at a slow pace as it gradually closed the distance between it and him. The radio once again came to life, emitting the same erratic static. However the strange creature move right past Rodriguez, and then continued away from him.

"Where is it going?" He wondered.

Various concerns ran through the back of Eduardo's mind. Instinctively, he began to chase after the creature. However, its speed was fast and it didn't appear possible for the Mexican to be able to catch up to it. Additionally, the thick curtain of fog was also making his pursuit difficult. Rodriguez continued to run for a while, but ended up completely losing sight of his target.

"Just how long have I been running?"

He stopped for the moment and tried to catch his breath. Recuperating from his sprint, Eduardo observed his surroundings. The man had stopped near a large building decorated with stain-glass windows and dark brown bricks. From a small set of stairs where he saw the large wooden doors with brass letters next to them reading "Balkan Church". Still clinging on the slim hope of someone else's existence, Rodriguez entered the church.

The space inside was wrapped in warm calmness. It projected a very solemn feeling. No churchgoers were present on any of the long benches that had been arranged facing the cross in front. Perhaps no one was here, Eduardo thought as he moves further in. Eventually a young nun appeared from one of the side doors, her face rather modest. When she looked up from her reading to see the disheveled and bloody Mexican before her, she let out a gasp.

"A-Are you alright sir?" The nun asks as she ran up towards Eduardo.

"I'm fine, but my frie-"

"Fine? Look at you - all batter and bruised…!" She exclaims, wiping some blood off Rodriguez's forehead.

"You need some medical assistance." The woman declared. Grabbing his arm, the nun immediately started to drag Eduardo off for aid.

"Wait! Wait!" Rodriguez protested.

"I'm fine, it's my friend who's in trouble!"

"You're friend…?" The nun said, stopping for the moment.

"Yeah we were both in a car accident. He's knocked out and I can't wake him up." Eduardo explained.

"How awful! I'll call the hospital-"

"I wouldn't even bother." Rodriguez stated.

"Bother? What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Well…it's hard to explain really…" The Mexican said, scratching his head.

"This town…there's something wrong with it…"

"How so?" The nun questioned.

"I don't know but it's like-"


Both turned to see an old man appearing from the side doors dressed in a priest uniform.

"Father Julius…" Mary-Ann said as the priest approached.

"What is going on here?" Julius asked, giving a rather questionable glance at Eduardo.

"This man was in a car accident. I was just about to report it to the authorities." The nun explained.

"Then off you go; I'd like to have a word with him." He ordered.

Rodriguez watched as Mary-Ann nodded and quickly excused herself so that the two men could be alone. For a couple of minutes no words exchanged, just silence - a rather dismal silence. This made the Mexican somewhat uncomfortable, seeing that Julius was just staring at him, like he was trying to study him. What? He was that much of a shady character already? Granted, anyone coming to church a bloody mess would scream suspicion…

"So tell me…" Julius finally addressed.

"What's this about something being wrong?"

"Wrong - Oh! Um…where is everybody? It's like this place is abandoned or something." Eduardo asked.

"I wouldn't say abandoned because most people who live here are at work. Essentially this part of town is the residential district where you live here but work elsewhere." The priest explained.

"If you cross the bridge down the street, you'll find the town more…alive…" Julius said.

"Then how do you explain the fog?" Rodriguez asked.

"You see...throughout the year fog rolls from Toluca Lake and enshrouds Silent Hill. Perfectly natural." Julius replied.


"I've called an ambulance. They're on their way." Mary-Ann reported as she joined the men again.

"Oh…thanks…" Eduardo said.

"I should be going then…"

"Are you sure that you're well enough to walk?" The nun worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Rodriguez assured.

He walked back to the doors when…

"Oh and Mr. Díaz…!" Julius called out.

"What?" Eduardo said, suspicious that suddenly the priest knew his name.

"Do be careful now. This town isn't - used to newcomers…" The priest warned.

Rodriguez looked at him with confusion for a moment.

"Okay then…"

He opened the double doors of the church and walked back outside into the foggy streets. Remembering that his map had said the bridge was down this street, Eduardo quickly ran towards it. It wasn't long before he could see the vague outline of a tower ahead. The Mexican realized that it must be the tower that controlled the bridge. He started to walk towards it, since he was out of breath from running.

The tower was much larger than Rodriguez had realized, although not as tall as, say a building. He noticed a set of stairs going up the side of it and decided that the control panel that lowered the bridge was in the top level. The tower became more and more visible as Eduardo slowly approached the stairs. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing sound and glass shattered from the top level.

Shielding himself from the shards, the Mexican looks up in time to see something fly into the fog.

"What the fuck was that?" He thought.

Taking precautions, Eduardo slowly ascended the stairs. Once reaching the top steps, he noticed the door ajar a few inches. Peering inside he could see someone's shoes. With caution, Rodriguez slowly opened the door.

"Dios mío…" He quietly said.

The room appeared something out of a grisly murder scene. Blood was splattered everywhere and objects were scattered across the floor. In the center of all of this was a man's corpse whose eyes were ruthlessly plucked out. Across his neck were several lacerations and his torso was riddled with deep gashes as if something was eating him alive. Eduardo tried his best to keep down bile.

"What's happening to this place?" The Mexican wondered.

Despite the momentarily disturbing discovery, Rodriguez pushes on. He rummages through the desk in hope of finding something in value for his journey. At first Eduardo finds nothing resourceful; assorted papers detailing the bridge, maintenance reports, sign-in sheets and other pointless paperwork. Then he noticed a brightly colored piece of paper. Eduardo picked it up and examined it.

Opening it, he found it was another map - this time it depicted the other district of town called Central Silent Hill. But more importantly…someone has written a note on this map.

"He who is not bold enough

To be stared at from across

The abyss is not bold enough

To stare into it himself.

The truth can only be learned

By marching forward.

Follow the map.

There are answers in the East."

"East? What is that supposed to mean?" Rodriguez said to himself.

Shrugging it off, the Mexican moved his attention to the control panel. Beside the blood splatter, it appeared largely undamaged. The only problem was the key to turn on the machinery wasn't present and Eduardo couldn't locate it anywhere.


He gulped and turned to view the corpse.

…Almost anywhere.

Taking a deep breath, Rodriguez bent down and reluctantly began to 'frisk' the corpse. It was a disgusting task but it was worth it - in the left pocket was the drawbridge key. Standing up again, Eduardo stepped over the control panel and inserted the key. All the machinery started up and he noticed certain lights were flashing on and off. The Mexican saw a button on the panel that read 'lower' that suddenly flipped on. Guessing this was the 'magic button' that lowered the bridge, he pressed it.

In the distant fog, Eduardo could see the bridge lowering. Finally he could cross! Leaving the control room, Rodriguez quickly descended the stairs. The mechanisms that made it lower created a haunting sound of the wind blowing over the river it passed over. Despite the eerie noise, the Mexican continued across the river and into the new district.

Eventually, after running a few more minutes, Eduardo finally reached his destination - the police station. The structure protruded solemnly from the foggy environment, its upper floors obscured from view. It was painted a combo of white and blue in vertical pattern. Above the entrance were large white text letters reading 'POLICE'. Lastly police cars were parked near the entrance, all coated with a thin layer of snow.

"Finally…" Eduardo panted in relief.

He walked up to the doors - but found them locked. Rodriguez tries to force the doors open but still no avail. Eduardo glances through the window and sees the inside very dark except the light from outside.

"Hello!" He yells.

"Hello! Help! Anyone?" The Mexican chants as he bangs on the door.

Suddenly, the radio let out a deafening blast of white noise, which not only hurt his ears, but seemed to hit a strange nerve as well. Eduardo stops what he's doing and just stares blankly at the small device. At that moment, an unreasonable, but compulsive idea echoed though his mind: I haven't touched the volume…but the static is getting louder…

Out the corner of his eye, Rodriguez spots movement behind him. Instantly he whips himself around and finds nothing. Yet the radio goes into a sort of panic, implying something…something that wasn't right. With caution Eduardo slowly steps forward, looking around. He finds nothing suspicious - only snow falling and the silence.



The Mexican jumps at the sudden crashing noise and immediately turns around.

He cannot believe his eyes.

There, on the now crushed hood of a police car was a beast - a gruesome, horrible beast that couldn't possibly be human. Its appearance the form of an ape-like creature on all fours with skin a decomposing brown. The mouth was split vertically; showcasing the beast's jagged teeth. It looked directly at Eduardo, who could clearly see that its intentions were to inflict harm.

In a matter of seconds, the creature let out a hoarse roar and lunges at Rodriguez. The man has the wind knocked out of him as he is slammed into the asphalt by the unpredicted assault. Eduardo wrestles vigorously with the beast in an attempt to shove it off him. Unfortunately, it proves to be much stronger and - bearing its teeth - plunges right into the Mexican's neck.

Eduardo lets out a blood-curling scream as the creature tears viciously at his neck. This sends him into frenzy; he starts to pound, punch, scratch and kick desperately to escape the beast's grasp. Finally he summons all his strength and Rodriguez manages to shove the abomination off of him. He staggers to his feet, gasping for air. His neck is bleeding heavily with the blood quickly staining his T-shirt from gray to red.

Clutching his neck, Eduardo watches the beast retaliate from its landing and give another roar. The Mexican retreats backward as the creature approaches him, mouth coated in blood. He fumbles with his footing and flops to ground with painful grunt. The beast sees this and immediately lunges towards him again. Rodriguez braces for another attack when…



Opening his eyes, Eduardo is stunned. Lying limp a few feet away from him is the demonic creature - dead with black bile seeping from its body. Standing up, Rodriguez moves with caution towards the dead beast. Closer inspection reveals two bullets embedded into the creature's head.

"Bullets? But how-"


Footsteps echo in the distant fog.

Gradually a figure appears in the distance, wielding something. This makes the Mexican nervous - could it be another attacker? Seconds later, Eduardo relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw who it was. Before him was a man who appeared a decade older than Rodriguez. He had short, blond hair with emerald eyes that were obviously tired. The man was wearing an American blue police uniform and had a shotgun in his hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I…I…" Eduardo is overwhelmed with relief. It was reassuring to finally see another living person in this town.

The police officer glances at his bloody neck.

"You don't seem well…" He says.

"Actually, I could use some first aid…" Rodriguez stated.

"I see. Come with me," The police officer gesture towards the station.

Nodding, the Mexican followed the police officer into the fog…


Terribly, terribly, terribly, terribly, TERRIBLY, T.E.R.R.I.B.L.Y sorry for the lack of updates and neglect.

Apparently, writer's block can last more than a week. That...and High School...fucking High School... |||

That and I was very distressed in how to write Mexico, granted I kinda have this thing were I worry that everything is too cliche or too boring or not good and then I doubt myself and...depression.

No...that is not Britain at the end of this chapter. You silly nillies.

No...I am NOT being sadistic with Mexico...no matter what Hell he's enduring...

Oh yeah...

Translations & Notes

Dios mío - My God

- The whole scene where Mexico discovers the corpse is actually inspired by The Birds. Seriously, Google 'The Birds eye scene' and...well...

- Silent Hill is divided into four districts; Old Silent Hill, Central Silent Hill, South Park (Not making this up) and South Vale.

- Supposedly, the townspeople are unaware about the dark forces Silent Hill has. Potential mind screw with the protagonists? I think yes!

- Yes, America is going to be focused on the next chapter, so relax.

hetalia, silent hill, mexico, america

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