It has actually been live for a while, but I've been testing it out and also busy with grad school. I have yet to get all my HF fic shared to the collection, but I'm working on it. Here is the link to the collection:
The Evidence Room NOTES:
~ You need a membership to the AO3 in order to post your stories there.
~ You do NOT need a membership to the AO3 to read stories posted there.
~ If you have already posted your stories to the AO3, you do not need to repost them to get them into the Evidence Room. However you will have to edit each story to add "Sandford_police" to the "Post to Collection/Challenges:" field (which is located in the "Association" section).
~ No, there is no way to "batch" the association of a group of stories with the collection. Goddamnit.
~ Right now, the collection is unmoderated and open to all. We'd like to keep it that way, so follow the rules:
Rules mostly boil down to a policy of "don't be a dick." As long as you adhere to that, you should be fine!The fine print:
1. NO bestiality
2. NO depictions of adult-on-minor sex
3. NO character or actor bashing
4. NO author bashing, for that matter (if you can't say something nice, shut up)
5. NO RPF/RPS here. Nope, none. Period.
6. NO plagiarism. (Seriously, you need us to tell you that?)
7. There is no rule against posting works in languages other than English; just be aware that the majority of archive users are native English speakers and will probably not be able to read your story otherwise.
8. All stories must adhere to the posting rules of the AO3. Stories mislabled or with inaccurate/misleading warnings will be removed from the collection.
9. Bad behavior will get your account reported to the AO3 Mavens of Justice.
NOTE: There was some discussion between the mods (me, Zed, and D) about including rules for mandatory warnings on stories in the collection for issues such as non-con, death!fic, etc. However, the posting requirements of the AO3 require some kind of warning, or alternatively an upfront statement saying that the author choses not to warn. Therefore it was deemed redundant to include a specific rule for that, outside of rule #8 regarding posting guidelines. But we take it seriously, so if anyone labels a story "no warnings apply" and it turns out to be non-con or death!fic the story will be removed and the author put on "moderation only" submissions. Full stop.
If you want a membership to the AO3 in order to post your stories, we can help you with that. PM me or Zed (
mr_x_indeed) about getting set up with that.
We are still planning to do the Delicious account (yes, even after all the drama, it still seems like the best choice) but that is time intensive and several of us are in grad school while desperately trying to hold on to RL ( slips from our grasp...) so it's slow going. Oh hey! You say you want to volunteer to help with that? EXCELLENT! Contact Zed to get your assignment! *evil laughter*
Okay, people! We did the easy part. Now go and post some stories to the collection! \o/