fic post: The Council Want a Makeover

Oct 21, 2008 16:52

TITLE: Drabble: The Council Want a Makeover
FANDOM: Hot Fuzz
WORD COUNT: 100. Because it's a drabble.
DISCLAIMER: Hot Fuzz belongs to the boys and girls at Rogue.

Entries in the Sandford Citizen's “New Motto for Sandford” contest, 2007:

Beautiful. Deadly. Dull as Fuck.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Worse things happen at sea.
Where the bodies are buried.
You can't say you weren't warned.
As seen on CNN.
The Community that Scares
Now 75% less evil.
They really are accidents now.
Leave alive or your money cheerfully refunded.
It puts the lotion on its skin.
None of those bloody annoying Jane Austen fans like you get at Bath.
Gateway to Buford Abbey.
It won't happen again.

No winner has been chosen. The search continues.

category: gen, rating: pg, fic

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