I also did a painting tonight, but it's not related, so you just get the three fics I wrote afterward.
Title: Danny's Sketchbook
Fandom: Hot Fuzz
Character/s: Implied Danny/Nicholas
Word Count (chapter/total): 1,000
Rating: PG
tawg said, in regards to our role play, that she wanted to get Danny drawing again. This has nothing to do with the role play, but it does have some Danny drawings in it. For the PWP meme.
Quote: Learning that Inspector Nicholas Angel was ticklish had been the single greatest joy of Danny's life, and it was a weakness he rarely hesitated to exploit.
Danny's Sketchbook )
Title:Five Ways Nicholas Apologized
Fandom: Hot Fuzz
Character/s: Danny/Nicholas
Word Count (chapter/total): 1,200
Rating: PG (mild language)
Summary/Warnings:Takes place after my last "Five Things" fic. You know, the one where Nicholas was a horrible, rotten boyfriend.
Quote: Danny wanted to pretend that it was a birthday or Christmas gift, and not an "I'm sorry I'm such a twat" gift, but he was a hard person to convince.
Five Ways Nicholas Apologized )