And the Winner is.....

Mar 30, 2008 12:34

    Okay, so imagine my surprise when the Director of Balboa Academy comes up to me on Friday and asks me if I would be interested in being the school nurse for a new private school that is starting in August.  Um, like YES!!! (well, if the pay is good...I do have my standards, and tutoring is a great cash cow)
    But then because the world is full of checks and balances, Lauren had her wallet stolen out of her purse last night when she and some friends were out on the town.....she was able to get home and cancel the credit cards, bank cards, etc, but charges had already been made on the stolen cards... oh yeh, and her Social Security card was also in her wallet...Kids, NEVER NEVER carry your SS card with between the SS card, and her driver's license, and her credit cards, her identity was, in effect, stolen.  Bad. Insult to injury. Not to mention all the personal items she carried in her, guitar picks from certain concerts, know the deal.  Big Big Bummer. It was a hard lesson to learn. Her purse was hanging on the back of her chair in the restaurant.  She even saw the woman come in and sit down next to their table....but by the time she discovered her wallet was gone, the woman was, too......I feel so bad for her.....and yes, she had about $30 in cash, too....
    We went to a Panama national league baseball game last night....we love them so is good baseball, and a real cultural experience.....the season ends sometime in April......if it is still going on when John is here, we HAVE to take him.....
    Lauren has turned me on to "Arrested Development"........OMG......How did I miss this hilarious show?? 
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