No more school!

May 15, 2005 21:00

Yay, graduation's over. I won't go into much detail since just about all of you have gone through it already, but just a few observations:

* Balancing acts with your hat are not fun. Mine was way too big, as always.

* Hey Nina, your dad was there! At least, he was noted in the graduation booklet as being one of the faculty escorts. I was trying to look for him since I was sitting right by the faculty section, but I didn't see any Asian guys. Then again, it's rather hard to make anyone out with the slightly gaudy robes and hats they were wearing.

* I now have two of what are possibly the world's worst reasons for wanting a masters now. I want my name announced at graduation and I want one of those velvety hoods. I feel cheated out of not having my name announced and just having it flip by the screen. Then again, having everyone else's names flip by the screen was good because we got to leave that much faster. Yay!

* I never knew we had a Purdue HYMN before. That's possibly one of the corniest songs imaginable. Yay for 'fair Wasbash banks' and whatever other crap there was. Poor Willis for having to sing it.

* I never, ever, want to give money to the Purdue Alumni Association now. If they would have stopped tossing their organization into my face every two seconds, I might feel more kindly inclined towards them.
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