Oct 08, 2010 13:16
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
I had to take a break because I went to NYC on vacation (pictures on my Facebook!), then I forgot about the meme when I came back.
Ok, so here's a great song that makes me mad (in a happy way). See what happens to the singer in this video? That's me when I listen to this song. It's all kinda "whatevs" in the beginning, but as you get halfway through the first verse... you just start to lose it. But then you get a period of recovery, which sort of screws you up even more when the beat kicks back in. Then you start beating people up who invade your personal space, because you really just feel like you need to thrash about on your own and chuck microphones around with nobody to interfere.
Then you get another quiet moment.... and it comes a little too early. But you take a deep breath then head to bed, where you sorta know you belong.
30 day music meme