Mar 27, 2006 22:09
It has taken a long time, but I am really striving to find real peace in my life. Surprisingly enough, I am slowly but surely approaching that goal. I have tried to break down walls with people in my past that I harbored ill will towards; I was quite happy to find that each time I did, a tiny weight came right off my shoulders. I even tend to find that once I made it through all the pettiness and hurt, that a lot of times I even have a ton of things in common with those people. I have a much harder time with one or two people still, but that is more because they hurt friends that I dearly love, and sometimes, that is a fatal error with me. I know that people I am not very close with check in on my journal or MySpace or whatever. It's okay. That used to irk the shit out of me, but not anymore. It's okay. I'm in a good place.
I've bought a few books on Buddhism and I try to meditate for a few minutes each day. I find that people I respect the most have a remarkable inner strength that I might never quite be able to attain.
I think the fever of being angry at someone, something, ANYTHING breaks with time.
I always found being upset much easier than being mature or cheering myself up.
I just want to turn things around in my life. I want to find things to compliment all the love that I already have around me.
Sorry, I didn't mean to get so philosophical. :o)
I guess what I am trying to say is....
I'm still learning in a million ways every day that I will always have more growing up to do.