Days 3 & 4...

Jan 19, 2006 16:24

Day 3

Well lets see, day 3 went fairly well, although I did have to deal with my mom for a while, its was ok, I survived. Talked to James for a bit, he has been kinda down cause of his situation. We are havin a round table to discuss it tonite and help him out. If I have to I'll rob a gas station or something to help him.

Also went to the diner for a while last night with Kait. It was very nice to hang out, I honestly enjoyed every moment of it, because it was great just bein able to be friends and talk and shizz. That was the one thing I didn't want to have to do would be to stop talking to her, or worse put her into the ignore list in my head. Had some coffee and apple sauce. It was nice to have the awkwardness gone so early in the friendship.

Day 4

Started off pretty well thus far, no real good or bad news so it looks to be a bearable day so far. Doing the Round table and then we shall see what is up for the night.

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That would be a mood chart for me since around november, starting off with the decline I was in. Then I started hooking up with Lani, so there is a slight level, then a drop again, that bitch was CRAZY. Then I met Kait and started to level off again, even build back up some happiness. Then crap started happening both in out of the relationship, so there was a decline again, and now I'm on the road to recovery.
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