Don't you love it when people just stick a bunch of random things together in one post?

Aug 30, 2007 07:41

So I went to see if there was a mood theme community, and there is: fandom_moods

Just thought you might want to know.

(Oh, and PATHY - A Claymore one! XD )

I actually decided to make my own mood theme. Of Sai. Coloring each one individually. I'm INSANE.

So I can't sleep, but I know I'm going to crash any minute now. I decided randomly tonight to try and throw together some cookie dough from memory and ended up not with cookies, but with a sort of sweet bread that goes well with jam. Still tasty.

Doing the run-around trying to get wedding plans settled with the church. Oy. I don't know what the point of the Pastor's secretary is other than to get hold of the Pastor. I gave her all this information and she didn't pass on any of it. >.

random, mood theme, real life

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