Hip deep and nipple slip

Dec 06, 2009 02:43

Echoes of sentiment reverberate from the void in my self/brain, the message ricochets off synapses and shoots out of nerve endings down through my fingers and onto a smooth plastic keyboard, immediately sending an equal (tho often garbled) transmission to a widescreen monitor in front of me.

I call this 'typing'.

I'm going back to scool, because school is SuperCOOL! Details have yet to be worked out. More later!

Left4Dead2 is more fun as more people get involved... especially highly vocal and self-proclaimed nerd-ragers. There's nothing more satisfying than taking a survivor 200 feet off a ledge onto the ground below, pummeling him out of existence until his friends shoot me off him or his heart stops beating... and then talking so much smack the local Vice squad gets tipped off.

Other stuff is happening, albeit slowly and its mostly just waiting, watching and wondering at the Royal Moop growing up. The more I relax and unclench my teeth, the better life gets. I don't want to hear anyone say anything about 'chilling out', because the one thing I'm surprisingly good at is getting perspective and relaxing after the storm. I'm becoming better at remembering to breathe as life is happening, as I find mindfulness requires a real effort to keep up. In short, what hair I have is going to go gray and I'm okay with that.
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