Title: Sammilocks and The Three Arch-Bears
Characters/Pairings: Sam Winchester, Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,057
Disclaimer: Yeah yeah, I don't own any of this. Don't remind me.
Summary: Another prompt from
comment_fic: "Supernatural, Sam + Gabriel + Michael + Lucifer, Sam and the Three Archangels (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)"
A/N: Don't let the title fool you, this turned out to not be very cracktastic at all.
Sam had been running for what seemed like forever. Every time he stopped to catch his breath, the thing that was chasing him would get closer. He had already tangled with it once and the many bruises and cuts on his body were testament to how badly he was no match for this thing. Ahead of him, he saw a cabin nestled in a clearing. He ran toward it in hopes that once inside, he could barricade himself.
As soon as he ran into the clearing though, the sounds of his pursuer abruptly stopped. The howls and snarls, the snapping branches were gone. It was eerie and set a new kind of dread in the pit of his stomach. But he could go no further, his body wouldn’t take anymore and the cabin looked terribly inviting.
He cautiously crept toward the cabin, wary for any kind of attack or ambush. He reached the door and, after a moment’s hesitation, knocked. There was no answer. He tried to open the door but it was locked. He reached into his pocket and found his lock picks. The door was quickly opened.
The inside was as cozy looking as the exterior. There was a main floor and a loft. The main floor had a large fireplace with three chairs. He could barely stand and he needed to sit down to look at his wounds. He sat at the first chair he saw but it was a stiff metal folding chair without even a cushion to sit on. No matter what position he took, it seemed the chair only magnified the pain of his sore body. He had no choice but to move to the next chair. This chair was a Lazy-Boy recliner. The minute he sat in it, the chair’s leg rest popped out and the chair leaned back. It was very comfortable, but the position made it very difficult to assess his wounds. No matter how many times he tried to fix the chair, it bounced back open again. So Sam moved to the next chair. This chair was really an old black leather sofa. It was plush and had that wonderful smell of leather that made Sam think of the Impala. He found it quite comfortable and there was a first aid kit sitting next to it. He sat there for quite some time getting his wind back and patching himself up.
Eventually, he realized that he was really hungry, so he reluctantly left the comfortable couch to go find some food. Unfortunately, the chair he had been sitting in was quite old and couldn’t really take Sam’s weight. It broke into pieces as he tried to lift himself up. He looked at the chair and felt a pang of loss that he couldn’t really quite place. But then his stomach growled loudly and he returned to his original task.
In one of the corners of the room, a kitchen with shiny chrome appliances gleamed and a small wooden country table sat nearby. On the table, there were three bowls with what looked like Farina. Sam wasn’t a fan of Farina, so he went to the cabinets to see if there was anything else. But the kitchen was completely empty of food, even the fridge. So Sam reluctantly turned back to the bowls of mush on the table.
He sat down before the first bowl and took a bite. It was awful. It had no taste at all. Sam looked around for something to sweeten it with but once again came up empty. So he moved on to the next bowl of mush. This was too sweet. It was so sweet Sam could feel his teeth ache. He tried to take another bite but he just couldn’t stomach it. So he moved on to the last bowl. He really hoped he could eat this one because he was really hungry. But the last bowl tasted fantastic. It was exactly the way he would like it, that is if he were to ever really like mush. He ate every last bit of it and even licked the sides of the bowl.
Once he was done, his tired body demanded that he find some place to lie down. He saw a ladder leading to the loft and assumed that it led to the bedroom. Sure enough, at the top he found three beds lined against the wall. He threw himself on the first bed and thought he had landed on rock it was so hard. He checked under the sheets and sure enough it was a boulder shaped into a bed. “What kind of freak sleeps on a rock bed,” thought Sam? He got up and lay down in the next bed and sank right into it. It was so soft and warm, he felt like he was being smothered. No matter how hard he tried, he just could not get comfortable on this bed. He finally couldn’t take it anymore and dragged himself to the next bed. He was so exhausted at this point, he figured he could fall asleep on a bed of nails but really hoped that wouldn’t be the case. The last bed was perfect though. It felt like every motel mattress he ever slept in including a spring poking into his back. Within moments he was sleeping soundly.
He wasn’t sure how long he had been sleeping but he found himself drifting to wakefulness to the sound of voices. They sounded terribly familiar but he was reluctant to wake up. The voices were getting closer and louder and Sam bolted up in the bed when he heard a voice that sent terror into his heart. “Hey guys, I found who broke my chair and ate my porridge. He’s sleeping in my bed.” Sam looked up to see Michael (in Adam’s body), Gabriel, and Lucifer (in Nick’s body) standing over him. Lucifer pointed at Sam and said, “See? There he is.” A slow evil grin began to form on Lucifer’s face.
In a panic, Sam flew out of the bed and quickly found himself running out of the cabin. He ran off into the woods with laughter following him. Sam found he was unable to escape Lucifer’s words drifting on the wind as he fled. “See Sam, no matter what you do, you always choose me.”