aim: thesinfulnun
email: frecklefacefangirl [@] gmail [.] com
timezone: EST
backdating: FOREVER srsly I will tag back just about anything that'll hold still long enough
threadjacking: Just makes it even more fun! Go for it!
action/comment log: Definitely welcome, but Hiyori's pretty violent, so expect to get smacked in the head with a sandal at Mach 2, kicked in the face/back/shins/knees/'nads or, uh...possibly...attacked with a zanpakutō if you REALLY piss her off. And self-control is not her forte meaning SHE REALLY WILL TRY TO KILL YOU so uh. Plz be keeping that in mind...?
4thwalling: A-OK
{info; OR ALTERNATELY tl;dr}
- history:
the Bleach Wiki explains all. - abilities: the Bleach Wiki
explains all that in detail, too, but to summarize: VERY highly proficient in hand-to-hand combat, enhanced strength, enhanced speed, immense spiritual power, general Zanpakutō abilities (has not achieved bankai), “Hollowfication” & the benefits thereof, cero-firing capability (while wearing her Hollow mask). Also, reflexively using Shinji as a human shield.
Non-combat-related abilities include such things as picking fights in .05 seconds, taking offense at just about EVERYTHING, being a total hardass/slavedriver when any sort of work is involved, and somehow managing to shout at a soothing 50,000 decibels despite her diminutive size (which generally translates into capslocking at people for no good reason).
- personality:
{obviously-she had to be, or she never would’ve survived this long or made vice-captain; she had to be, or she never would have survived The Change and what came after: a hundred years of waiting, training, hiding, lying in wait and picking at the wound and keeping it raw, not allowing it to scar or even really scab over, keeping that need for vengeance fresh and painful}
{why she lashes out at people who are kind to her, though pride and independence have a hand in why she bites even the hand that merely seeks to feed}
{only completely to Hikifune Kirio, though Urahara had briefly won some of her loyalty once upon a time, and the other Vizards have it now, perhaps Shinji in particular for coming to save her and for getting there first, as well as his way of not ever really being able to leave her alone}
{about her appearance in general, about her strength in particular, and perhaps about her very existence in total, being somewhere between Shinigami and Hollow, but truly neither fish nor fowl}
{the outpouring of that insecurity, and a demand for attention and recognition and respect; a tsundere without much (if any) of the dere}
- 3rd person sample:
...TBH it's basically a fanfic. (hmd;)
Y'all know the drill. Plots, notes, crit, etc. are welcome. Anon enabled, IP-logging off, all comments screened. But really, I check my e-mail quite often, so if you've something sensitive to discuss, that's likely your best bet.
In addition, this is my first time playing a Bleach character, so if I'm in need of a sandal to the face for some reason, by all means give it to me baby~.
ALSO in light of my constant recent (..."recent" meaning "for the last two four SIX WHAT IS MY EFFING DEAL months" i.e. EVER SINCE I FREAKING RE-JOINED POLY ORZ) tagging fail, I thought perhaps I should mention that I'm something of a gamer, and if an awesome-looking new RPG game has recently come out and your tag is not getting tagged back...that's...probably why. ^^; Feel free to spam this post if you're feeling ...jealous? neglected. Provided I can see my laptop's screen, enough guilt-tripping will EASILY rip me away from whatever console I'm at to reply to your tags. Because I'm a sucker like that. |D;;;