Importance of Particle Shape

Dec 30, 2013 16:05

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Опубликовано 09 Май 2013 г.

Mark Bumiller from HORIBA Scientific ( discusses how the shape of particles can be a critical physical characteristic that affects processing behavior and end product performance. Choosing the right characterization tool and data interpretation can be challenging tasks for those not familiar with the science of particle morphology. The presentation will reference dynamic image analysis and static image analysis technologies as well as the CAMSIZER and PSA300 products.

Topics covered include:
* Why particle shape is important
* Which analytical tools are available
* How to get the most from these instruments
* How to interpret results

Image Analysis: Evaluating Particle Shape

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Опубликовано 16 Янв 2013 г.

Dr. Jeff Bodycomb of HORIBA Scientific ( discusses how image analysis technologies can be used to measure particle shape parameters.

Selecting the Best Particle Size Analyzer for your Application

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Опубликовано 17 Янв 2013 г.

Ian Treviranus from HORIBA Scientific ( discusses the benefits and limitations of modern particle size analyzers and ideas on how to approach the choice of a new measurement technique or instrument.

Help! How Can I Trust My Particle Size Results?

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Опубликовано 05 Мар 2013 г.

Ian Treviranus from HORIBA Scientific ( discusses methods for confirming particle size results. This talk will be useful for anyone using laser diffraction, dynamic light scattering, or dynamic image analysis instruments. The information will be suitable for any instrument from any manufacturer of these technologies.

Topics covered include:

General concerns
Orthogonal techniques
Confirming particles smaller than 1 micron
Confirming particles greater than 1 micron

Camsizer XT: Particle Size and Shape Analyzer by Retsch Technolog...

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Опубликовано 27 Авг 2013 г.

More information:
The Camsizer XT is a particle size and shape analyzer, which uses the principle of digital image processing in a measuring range of 1 µm to 3 mm.

A particle size and shape analyzer is used in the quality control of fine powders, granules and suspensions - it is quicker than conventional sieve analysis, provides important additional information on particle shape and precise results in real-time.

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