Dreaming about RocknRolla. Mark Strong is pretty. So's Gerard Butler. Want more. At least, a better view of the movie.
I'm waiting impatiently for my PubFight team's scores for our fantasy publishing league. I'm really getting into it. I seem to be the leader of the group, making sure everything is done, asking the others questions as to what quote we should use to represent us, what our picture should be, etc. Really getting into it. Today, our first load of sales data will be put onto the web. I was expecting it to be done early in the morning, at least because I am up at that time of the day. But no, I have to wait. And wait. And continue to wait. Getting impatient now. Want to know. Gah!
I'm listening to the RocknRolla soundtrack while my grandmother watches Young and the Restless. Not really my kind of show. I used to like it when I was younger, but now I find it so fake. The actors have almost no talent, but some do, and I feel sorry for those that do to have to play characters that say such cliche stuff. But so many ppl like it. Well, women I guess. What grosses me is the fact that so many couples happen over and over again. When in doubt, repeat the romance.
I sent off one of my pieces to a literary magazine's contest. The Geist Magazine is having a Postcard Story contest, and we actually had that kind of exercise in my creative writing class. When one of my classmates mentioned the contest, I wasn't really considering applying. But now that the strike is on, I have a lot of free time on my hands, and I decided that I should explore my options when it comes to publishing. If I can't publish novels right now, I might as well try to publish short stories and the like.
So, I jumped off a huge cliff. It was big adventure for the weekend. Stepping outside of my boundaries was both exciting and nauseating. It's that familiar stingy feeling a writer gets when someone asks you if they can see your work, or if you have to explain your work. You feel quite overprotective of your vision of that story, and you get defensive and feel like people will want to criticize you for writing the way you did. And you can't explain your work, because you really don't know what it means. You can sort of see what you were going for, what kind of artistic impression you were wanting to leave. But what is was about, what the story itself was about, you have no clue.
Writing is fantastic, isn't it?
Back to the fantasy publishing league. Our group named ourselves the Lonely Tree Press. Our representative quote is "The greatest university of all is a collection of books". And our strategy is "Publish or Perish." I really like that. I especially like the phot we choose. One of the girls in my group sent 'round a bunch of interesting photos that could be cool as our photo, but another girl found a tree as she was leaving school. The tree is quite orange, and it's nighttime, so everything behind it is black. But the tree is in a spill of light from a lampost beside it. It's really cool. Here's the link for the
I've gotten really bored during the strike. I'm doing lots of schoolwork. My grandmother also had an operation, so I'm staying over at her house to do the housework. Thank goodness my grandfather is doing the cooking, 'cuz I wouldn't be able to do it.
I've also made links to lots of blogs, and I watch them daily. and it's less than 10 days till Twilight comes out in theatres. It's also more than 10 days till my b-day. 21, yeah!
I have so many movies to watch, though. I also want to watch Dexter with my grandfather, 'cuz I'm getting interested in it again. I just want to skip over the whole addiction/Lila part, 'cuz I really didn't like it when Dexter cheated on Rita. Not fair.
Okay, I'm rambling. Time to leave my post. See what's new in Inet world. See if fantasy scores posted.
Now playing:
The Scientists - We Had Lovevia