Once again, it’s Valentine’s Day. Not that many people were buying Valentines stuff today. Maybe because of the weather. Horrible weather conditions this morning. Of course, while mom and I were sitting indoors, looking outside, we were smiling at the pretty, fluffy flakes that were coming down. It was so pretty. And even though I had to walk up to work this morning, I loved it. Snow is pretty!
I was called in to work this morning at eight-thirty. I said yes. My happiness. I got to do stock. Sure, I had to do a lot of condensing before doing stock, but that doesn’t make me any less happy. I need a t-shirt or a button that says, “I’d rather be stocking.” Sometimes, I hate doing cash. Hate it. Don’t want to talk to ppl again and again and again. It’s so much more peaceful when you’re stocking. Yes, I’m introverted. Don’t worry, I already knew that. “…it’s a lottery, baby; everybody roll the dice…” Get to stock again tomorrow! Yay! No worry over returns or cash! Leave before night-shifters come. Hang out with the older ppl who work during day. Get to see Sarah! Hopefully, Gail will still be snowed in up in Barrie. Everybody, cross their fingers.
I got home tonight and promised myself that I would do some reading, since I am planning on going back to work tomorrow. Guess what I’ve been doing since six? Listening to Metric, and now to Emily Haines. That’s it. Now, I can’t get into the mood to do any reading at all. Silly woman!
“…I wake up lonely…I wake up lonely…”
Oh yeah, last night I found out something hilarious that is NIN-related. A whole bunch of fans freaked out because they found a code on the back of one of the new tour t-shirts and typed in the code as a web address to find a website dealing with whether or not the American government in poisoning Florida water with this drug called, ‘parepin’, which is obviously a not existent drug. (By the way, this whole poisoning story takes place in the year, 2024.) This drug boosts up the immune system so that citizens will be able to withstand a biological attack by terrorists, which apparently already happened in Seattle.
This story led to a 65-page thread on Echoing the Sound, which added to the psychosis. (A wikipedia entry for ‘parepin’, though it is now deleted, even defined ‘parepin’ as a ‘Trent Reznor-induced psychosis’. We are such losers! lol) The thread contains links to other creepy, in-the-future ideas, like the years turning back to 0000, and while we have BCE, Before the Common Era, they have BA, or Before Administration. One website detailed the life of a psychotic federal agent in these times. Another one was a message board where members of these times talked about the Administration, and recent resistances.
There are even audio clips!!! And pictures! And the website about ‘parepin’ contains words that are backwards and disjointed, which are somehow clues to the story or messages to us.
How is this related to NIN? The new album, Year Zero, is supposed to be a concept-based album that seems to depict a post-apocalyptic world and is, very subtly, supposed to be an opposition to the American government. Because of this album, Trent Reznor has sent all of his fans into a psychotic frenzy to find out all they can about these pages and the relation between these pages and the new album. It’s kinda funny, though. I saw a picture of the band from the last tour with Trent Reznor as Batman. hehehe I still have the picture. Maybe I’ll post it.
I’m kind of worried about how many pages more have been added to that thread since last night. I was only on page 13. Nuts.
Very V for Vendetta.
“…don’t worry, death is absolutely safe/a billion bibles mark the last page…”
Damn. It’s only 8:45, and yet Goldie still chooses to believe that it’s time to feed her. She just came over, just to stare at me. I hate that. When I try to shoo her away, but she just looks at me like she’s…laughing at me. AAGGGGGHHHH! Thank God, she left. She’s staring at the kitchen now, as if it’s going to do tricks.