[ Venom XXXV. ]

Feb 07, 2007 18:57

I kicked the habit this time and it's fucking hell, so don't congratulate me. I haven't had a smoke in two months and I still cough up in the morning, likely because I've smoked since I was fourteen. It makes a huge difference in my wallet though.

Also, red doesn't go with pink at all. I hate this holiday.

Temari// Hey...do you remember how uh, Mom used to make those Apple Bombs? Y'know, the cooked whole apple stuffed with appley mush and spice? I know it was something more'n just cinnamon, and I've broken about three apples so far. We could do it together, it's been too long since I last saw your mug. Plus, I don't think Gaara's ever had one.

Private// Brown Recluse is stained and finished. It feels good to complete a project for myself, and it looks pretty fuckin' awesome for the second-rate materials I had at hand. The third leg on the left locks sometimes, but I guess it's just for display anyway.
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