The War:
There was a war which raged on these lands many long years ago. As wars often do, it separated a family: a man and his sister, and their adopted younger brother. The eldest was force to leave and fight, in an attempt to keep the war from reaching his family's doorstep; but while he was away the savagery and carnage he was forced to witness destroyed his mind and corrupted him.
He did not return.
In a desperate attempt to save her home and the last piece of land the war had not touched, his sister called forth all of her power and that of ancient sorcerers who had long since left and she lifted her home towards the sky, with no intention of ever returning it to the place which had torn apart the life she knew.
Your New Home:
You have been brought to this floating island: possibly because you had wished to escape a horrid life, or possibly against your will. How you arrived here is not known, but the magic of this place has somehow drawn you to it.
You've arrived on fertile green land, rich with plants and peculiar creatures. Crystal clear rivers mirror the blue of the sky. Overlooking the city is a great white castle, with strong walls surrounding it and protecting it from the mountain rocks. To the far east a forest looms.
Welcome to our sanctuary.
Before you start roleplaying here there are a few things you need to know about the world your characters will be inhabiting.
Upon arriving, your character will find a piece of paper tied to a small mirror on their person or in the immediate area. The piece of paper will provide them with the
map of the island and this explanation:
“The birds are here to aid you. Whistle and they will come. Provide one with a note and the name of the recipient, and if that person is present it will be delivered.”
There will be no explanation given to your character for the purpose of the mirror.
Posting in the journal you’ve created for your character will work like this:
- Journal entries will be essentially be letters to other characters which the birds will pick up (when your character is finished writing) and take to its respective destination.
These entries will have “Letter to; name name name” in the subject line and can be addressed to more than one person (but no more than six. Otherwise the bird carrying it would get really freakin’ tired.)
- Journal entries that are not specific to one character will also be picked up by a creature and taken to a massive bulletin board of sorts in the center of the city.
These entries will have “Bulletin; title title title” in the subject.
Taking a trip to The Board will basically be the equivalent of reading your friends page. (And no, you don’t have to make a log for every trip to the board your character takes.)
If you want to screen something from a specific person, there is a birdbath next to the board which has special properties. Dip your finger in the water and write the name of the person you don’t want to see your bulletin and it will become invisible to their eyes.
- Comments that are more than a few sentences in length will be considered responses to letters and will be handled by the birds.
- Comments that are short, curt, rapid, whatever will be handled via the mirror.
It’s like a videophone (but olden-day-ey!) and works when you hold it tightly and think of the person you wish to speak with.
It cannot be used unless a letter or bulletin has initiated something. Meaning, in the logs you can't have it beep or ring like a cell phone and have the person on the other line be like;
“Haaaaaayyyy~~ I just wanted to see you. 8D”
When your character decides to switch from letter-style commenting to the mirror, some note of that change should be made.
Ex: [Mirror] *crackling sound* Hello!
The landscape is essentially that of a good-sized floating island in the sky where dreams are made.
If your character decides to jump off the side of the island he/she will black out before they hit the ground that the island was raised up from and wake up back in their home in their own bed. (Or if they don’t have a home, on the ground somewhere) It will count as a death and something will be taken from them.
If your character has the ability to fly they can fly off the island in any direction, but only until a certain point. After about ten minutes of traveling they will come upon a barrier of very thick strange colored clouds and will have trouble breathing or keeping in the air and will be forced to turn back. Attempting to plow through the poisonous clouds will count as a death.
The death system
When your character arrives in Nostrum Sanctus something will be taken from them. (The more powerful your character is entering the community the greater the thing taken is. But it will be from a list of things you have provided in your application. So no worries.) If/when your character dies for the first time we may or may not choose to take something from him/her. If we do decide to take something (or if you would like something to be taken) it will insignificant, like the buttons on a shirt or a necklace. Should your character die a second time something mental will be taken, such as memory or his/her coherent thought for a few days. For the third death, something physical will happen to your character, such as an illness or the loss of a very important ability.
After each death your character will return feeling tired.
Food is nearly readily available. Meaning that the homes have jarred preserves and things in the pantries, but hardly anything is ready made. There will be meat in the butchers shop, flour in the bakery, but no one present to cook or bake it. Your characters will have to step up and create meals for themselves (at least until a character decides to open a restaurant or something)
There are also non-fantasy-type animals around that can be captured/hunted and eaten if your characters are feeling ambitious.
More to come.... maybe.