abaxrpg Application: And HMD

Oct 13, 2011 08:27

player information.

name: Corrin
age: 25
personal lj:lambent_world
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: AIM: Brbbodyslamming, Plurk is here
characters in abax: NA for now.

in character information.

series: D.Gray-man
name: Lenalee Lee
gender: Female
age: 17/18 ish.
height: 5'4
weight: I believe canonly she was said to be 110 pounds.

canon point:Chapter 208.

previous cr: NA

history: Link 1 and Link 2

personality:Lenalee’s cheerfulness is somehow surprising in a world where War for the fate of mankind wages on. Despite traumatic childhood experiences Lenalee is able to maintain a degree of happiness and friendliness and is naturally compassionate. She enjoys simplicity and helping others, going as far as to serve coffee for the Science Department and become her brother’s assistant for which she is mocked by other Supervisors of other divisions; the Supervisor in question had scoffed and shook his head as to having an Exorcist serve coffee to Science members in which Lenalee replied that she did it because she enjoyed it. However a traumatic past has made her a little cynical towards things she deems hurtful, wrong or just bad in general. She maintains her bitter passive-aggression towards the Vatican and God who keep her and her friends in danger. She’s not too big to retreat to what makes her feel safe: her closest friends, her brother, cake, etc. In later chapters it shows that she often ran to Kanda while he would be meditating, in hopes of just having a person there who wouldn't pass judgment on her. The smile of a friend is one of the most comforting things to this girl.

When Lenalee thinks of the world, she thinks of her relationships in place of geography. Moving around so much as a warrior gave her the opportunity to bond with people rather than a landscape or a ‘home’. Lenalee is home wherever her friends are and because of it she is fiercely protective of them. She’s a big picture sort of girl. The larger percentage of relationships intact, the better. She’s not one to value someone over anyone else. She maintains her appreciation of most everyone but Lenalee hates being alone, resorting to solitude only when in anguish and in despair. She would rather not force her negativity upon anyone else. Unfortunately this can result in her coming across as indifferent when hurt by something someone might have said to her which in turn makes her prone to lying about her feelings in order to maintain her friends’ content. Even more unfortunately, she’s sort of inexperienced on the whole ‘not telling the truth’ part of lying.

Lenalee’s relationships are strong because of her unique standpoint. Everyone seems to be aware of the severity of their actions if they were to ever seem at all unappreciative of her (in before “made her cry”). She would sooner leave their side for a moment than be seen as a nuisance. Because of this sort of passive aggressiveness though, she can often seem rude when she tries her best to mean well.

Despite the harshness of their situation and existence as Exorcists, Lenalee really, really does not appreciate the concept of self-sacrifice, despite the fact that she has been known to make reckless moves for the sake of others. Whenever she loses a companion she has said that she felt like she lost a part of herself which shows she is not prone to wanting to go through that, thank you very much. Her eyes are ever watchful over those she loves and she constantly surveys them to make sure they're taking good care of themselves. Side effects include snapping, glaring you in to submission and the occasional grocery bag to the head as Allen had learned the hard way during one of their trips to Romania after he tries to take on the troubles of the mission by himself. The outcome of said mission put a small strain on the two because Lenalee had yelled and slapped him and stated that they were in this together because they were friends. She does not like it when Allen tries to take on the weight of the world by himself, not when he has friends to help with the strain.

As a result of being a warrior for 10 years of her life, Lenalee considers herself capable and flies in to battle with more or less with a straight face. She does not, I repeat, does not enjoy being put on the shelf or told to wait for the boys to finish up. It results in her feeling useless, which is something Lenalee tries her very best not to be. When faced with not being allowed to fight alongside her comrades, she'll be offended; be it at herself for being too injured or at them for being selfish. Her ideals and beliefs in being the best that she can be stems from the love she feels from her friends and her brother.

Yes, though Lenalee is far from an adult, despite going through more than her fair share of woes and unexpected plot twists. she is by no means too big for tears; in fact they are quite the common feature and come in a variety of emotions. She also has a rather stubborn side though she is very intelligent and somewhat naïve concerning awkward teenage topics; love, boys, name it if you will. Despite it all, she’s in fact somewhat mature. Mature enough to be a voice of reason to her fellows, frequently bringing them (by force if necessary) to their senses.

Should harsh situations arise, Lenalee has been prone to act out in a bit of a destructive manner on herself. During Allen's disappearance, she often had placed blame upon herself for being unable to help him. A harsh choice she had to make that took a toll on herself and that left her in a bit of a daze. When Lavi had yelled at her to pick herself up, Lenalee merely cried. It was her own way of condemning herself for her actions at being unable to help a friend. Though others might yell at her to pick herself up and to carry own, she believes that self punishment is needed to make a person stronger in order to keep from having to feel the sadness of losing someone important. While she tries to not let others see the side of her that she hides away, often enough it comes out in the form of worries for the well being of others. This in turn, makes her one of the most caring people in the series.

Since the overpowering of her Innocence, Lenalee has gone on a whirlwind of emotions. From being able to protect her friends to becoming luggage and helpless in the Ark, Lenalee seems to have found a new devotion once her Innocence was returned to her. The time, however, before that was full of emotional uncertainty and annoyance that she couldn't be the strong fighter that was needed in the Ark. In those times, Lenalee had to witness her two friends fighting one another though that was coupled with the possible demise of her other friends that had gone off to fight the Noahs during the battles that transpired in the Ark. When it was shown that they had all returned during Allen's playing of the piano and his wish for his friends to come back, Lenalee is overtaken with emotion and nearly collapses in sheer happiness that the people she care for the most had returned.

Once back in the Order, she and Miranda, who had been sharing a room together, were often visited by her brother who would cry dramatically. While Lenalee is seen to be calm and poise, calling him silly during moment that had happened, it was shown on a deeper level that she was happy to have that back in her life. Miranda was the one to point it out in the open, but there was no denial that Lenalee had actually been more than happy to have Komui making a scene, even if the robot he had made for a lullaby droid was scary. Lenalee's love for her brother would soon be tested with the entrance of another character that pulled emotions not seen before in Lenalee.

The biggest awkwardness Lenalee had yet to face, was one with a man who appeared in the Order to investigate Allen, named Malcolm C. Reouvelier. Coming face to face with Ghosts of the Past, a side of Lenalee had been shown that was unparalleled to anything that had been seen before. Not only did she seem in fear of this man, but harbors resentment and almost a near hatred for him came out in her. This more than likely spawns from her past history with him that had to do with him taunting her as a child before Komui had found her. While he called her more so property of the church, he would tease that she would never be able to go free from the possession of the Order. Than in itself was enough to traumatize the child Lenalee enough to possibly want to try and take her own life. Though everything did change when Komui had come to the same place where she was being kept. However, all the emotions seem to come back when she sees this man.

Lenalee often attempts to keep her emotions buried, and while Cross [in the ark] said that she was doing better at letting them out, she still tries to hold on to things, never fully letting them out in fear that it would further burden someone else in the process. While she had that mindset, Komui had actually yelled at her during the Invasion of the Order by a legendary 4th Level Akuma. He told her that he hated the mindset she had of self sacrifice and while it was a driving force behind Lenalee's attempt at keeping her world beautiful, Lenalee knew she had to change if it had brought her brother so much pain.

With a new resolution and outlook once her Innocence had returned, Lenalee became all the more open and happy with life again. She tends to do all she could to keep everything happy, even if the rain falls, she does indeed try to keep some levels of happiness there. While she still tends to fall in to destructive habits, like worrying to the point of not eating, and often shake to the head or harsh words, like how Reever told her to eat up, snaps her back to perspective that is often needed. In the end, with birth, renewal, growth, despair, destruction and rebirth, Lenalee does the best that she can to maintain the light amidst the darkness that does surround the setting and current happenings in the manga.

abilities/powers: Lenalee's abilities comes from the Innocence that she harbors as part of her being. After being taken from China to live in the Order, Lenalee began to train and use her abilities to fight Akuma. Her Innocence is named "Dark Boots" wish are an equipment-type of Innocence [one of the three types listed in the series].They had manifested themselves as thigh high boots and once they were activated, they wrapped and became what seemed to be part of her legs. Light would shoot from her ankles which probably helped her with the illusion of walking on the air.

The ability to walk on air was, in fact, a sort of illusion. Lenalee is able to use the sound waves around her as stepping stones to glide from part place to another. The faster the sound wave traveled, the faster Lenalee was able to move through the air. Another ability was known as the Waltz of Misty Wind where she would be able to kick with such a force that it stirred a destructive tornado towards her enemies[ namely, Akuma].

Over the course of the series, Lenalee's Innocence seemed to grow and grow, moving from a level 1 of Innocence to a level 2.

When Level 2 had hit, her Innocence's powers has increased and her boots modified to enhance her abilities. Her power and speed increased and the energy that was once green threads of light from her ankles turned to wheels with crosses on them.She used this innocence to fight a Level 3 Akuma which was considered the strongest in the D,Gray-Man world for the time. Her techniques included
[Cited from the D.Gray-Man Wiki:
Burden, Acoustic Technique: Sound Shackles (音響の踏技 「音枷」, Onkyou no Tougi: Otokase): Lenalee becomes able to interface with sound waves, solidifying the sound of each step into a surface, which allows her to travel at the speed of sound
Burden, Water Surface Technique: Sound Shackles (水上の踏技 「水枷」,Suijou no Tougi: Mizukase): Lenalee becomes able to interface with water, enabling her to walk on liquid surfaces

Falling Technique: Iron Shackles (失墜の踏技 「鉄枷」, Shittsui no Tougi: Tetsukase): Upon maximum invocation, Lenalee's power condenses onto her Dark Boots, meshing them into a morass of blades, carrying an extremely high weight. Assisted by Eshii's gravity shackles, this attack hit with the weight of 40,000 metric tons. which is equivalent to a meteor.

Because of her use of the Level 2 of her boots that increased the synchronization level so high, they broke ad and her Innocence for the moment became lost.[as did her hair.]

Once returned to the Order, a battle took place where a Level 4 Akuma was brought in to the Order. A level 4 was something that the world had never heard of, fabled in lore and in horror.

Because of the danger and destruction, Lenalee made a resolution to go and try and bring her Innocence back to her, vowing that she would do what she could to keep her world safe. Because of this resolution, the Innocence had turned in to liquid form and she was able to drink it; however, this lead to something that had never been seen in the world of D.Gray-Man. Scars and blood burst from her ankles and solidified to a bit of a cryptic angel that then wrapped around her legs in her knew Innocence.

The Innocence that she was gifted with reacted more and more to her Emotions. When her heart decided to go faster, stronger and harder to protect her world, the Innocence reacted with making her face and more dangerous on her feet. This changed her Innocence was something that puzzled the Order and because of this new change of actions, her Innocence was thus labeled as a Crystal Type [making 4 names of Innocence.]. When her boots were no longer used to fight, they turned in to blood red crystal bangles around her ankles.

first person sample: [Refusing to believe that something has happened to her world, the Exorcist looks around the Tower in disbelief before coming to her assigned room. Sitting outside the door, she takes a moment to collect herself.]

[Huffing, she turns her device on while playing and tinkering with some of the knobs.] Brother would certainly get a kick out of something like this..the gollems do wonders but- this still seems so far advanced to anything else. [Frowning, she shakes her head and takes a breath.]

Oh! Right. [Looking back down at the feed, she offers a rather tense smile though she tries her hardest not to show that she is rather nervous about being here, especially in a world that seems like a nightmare.] I was hoping someone could answer a couple of questions for me? I was wondering if anyone has heard of Allen or Lavi or Kanda or Miranda? They're friends of mine and- I was wondering if they were transported to this place as well?

[Laughs shyly, rubbing her cheek.] Oh! My name's Lenalee Lee, it's nice to meet everyone and thank you for your time.

third person sample: It had been a while since she first received the new Innocence that took shape around her legs. While Lenalee was slowly getting used to the after affect of using them and having them use her blood, she was still weary and worried that pushing it too hard would result in something far more disastrous. At least, that's what Komui had warned of the others about her 'new' type of Innocence.

Sitting in the training area of the Order, Lenalee glanced down at the crimson bangles that hung off her ankles with curiosity but also, with a bit of a softer look than she would of ever given her heavier dark boots. Her fingers gently danced across the crystallized blood, feeling the smooth and slightly chilled surface that glistened in the light of the training room. "Thank you again..." She said quietly to the Innocence as she gave a faint smile while leaning her chin to her knees. "My resolve will come true now if we work together. Plus we can protect everyone and work with them to make this world safe again." Came the soft words as the bangle dropped from her fingertips to give a gentle and melodic chime as it hit her heel.

"Let's work hard together so we can protect everyone, okay?"

With resolution, Lenalee pushed herself up from where she had been sitting and shook out her arms. Her head rolled from side to side while her shoulders gave a roll of their own, loosening herself up and with no hesitation, she called out the Innocence Crystal form. The red thick and armored fabric fanned up and wrapped tight around her legs with the haunting red wings of a butterfly fanning out from her heels.

Deep breaths, keep breathing, don't doubt. Without that old heavy feeling in her heart, Lenalee pushed herself off of the ground and quickly shot up in to the air, already so close to the roof of the Cathedral like building the Order came to call their new home. Another kick off of the sound that hung in the air from Cathedral bells and Lenalee flipped her legs over her head and sailed down towards the ground with gravity pushing all the way. Flexing her ankle, the wings on her heels fanned and she came to a sharp stop right before hitting the ground, pressure building around her to creature a tiny hole from the force she had pushing on top of her with gravity's helping hand.

"Good job, Innocence." She said quietly before pushing her heel back again to sail up towards the roof in a repeated motion. She vowed she would do better this time now that she had her metaphorical wings returned to her. No doubt. All resolution.

**RP samples from previous games may be linked.

case no: Nope, whichever the easiest for the mods.

abaxrpg, application

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