CR chart for rubycity_rp

Nov 29, 2010 08:05

Key Legend
✿ On good terms
✿ Friends
✿ Close friends
✿ Best friends

♥ Secret glances
♥ Just weren't meant to be
♥ Hand holding - touching is still new
♥ Friends with benefits
♥ Maybe something
♥ In love with

✗ Untrusting
✗ At odds
✗ uneasy enemies
✗ You hurt them and I will show you your spine

Vietnam ☆ Axis Powers Hetalia

✿Housemate-Sister figure-friend-partner in crime. Vietnam is the sisterly figure Lenalee has made friends with in the city. They work in the bath house together and live with one another on the outskirts of the forest.

Date Masamune ☆ Sengoku Basara

✿♥♥♥Date and Lenalee's paths have crossed various times in the city that has lead to deep feelings from her side for the Samurai. Date's a strong man with a good heart but often stubborn, causing her worry. She often feels most comfortable around him of the citizens not from her world in the city.

Axel ☆ Kingdom Hearts

✿♥♥Axel is one of the people Lenalee trusts with her life in the city. He may not have a heart but she believes there is good in him. Often enough their encounters seem to boarder secret feelings but as it is, she seems confused on the feelings in her heart for the Nobody. Considers him a dear friend and is a little protective of him, especially after Saix's departure.

Conan ☆ Cased Closed

✿A mysterious child that Lenalee has taken a liking to. She seems to make him a little uncomfortable some times with her sixth sense for things. As a big sisterly type, she can't help but always worry for the young detective.

Xanxus ☆ Hitman Reborn

✿Xanxus is a hard person to read sometimes. Lenalee often feels as if she's annoying him with her points of view or whenever she opens her mouth, but he doesn't seem to be violent around her too much. For that, she trusts him and wants to know more about him.


!always in progress, !ruby city, !cr chart

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