OOC: Permissions and HMD

Jun 23, 2010 08:00

Series: D.Gray-Man
Character: Lenalee Lee
Timeline: Chapter 208
Status: NA
Family: Komui-brother.

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/other?: Sure, unless it's private

Hugging this character?: If you'd like. She's usually friendly.

Giving this character a kiss?: That's where friendly kind of gets weird...she'll be very wtf.

Badtouching: Annnd..that's a punch in the throat. So if you waaant buuut..

Lovers: N/A

Punching this character (provided they can fight back): Sure, it'll be a brawl though after.

Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Pain of Innocence or pain of loosing people. Wars are a touchy subject.

Easiest way to get on his good side: Be kind and pure of heart.

Easiest Way To Get On Her Bad Side: Hurting one of her friends. Touching her brother.

Can I Hack Her Journal? If it says "semi private"

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?: Sure, message me first~

Maim/Murder/Death: Kinda dark but, I always like plot movements.

Blood: If there's fights, sure.

Relationships: IN PROGRESS:

HMD: Given the nature of hate that I have received, Anon is OFF and IP logging is ON. I'd much rather you message me via AIM[lambentworld] Plurk[lambency] or here on LJ so we can work and come to an understanding. I'd much rather constructive crit rather than the usual "go kill yourself" I've been getting, please.

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