Scouting expedition

May 29, 2009 12:57

A stiff shoulder is not enough to prevent The Shadow returning to the world of his now-deceased alternate. Cloaked again in black and taking great care not to be seen, he times his arrival with the night. He wants as much time as possible for his explorations, but the cover of darkness is also of ultimate necessity. There are times when he does not worry about a stray glimpse or two from uninvolved eyes, but this is not one of those times. Tonight every effort at stealth is in full play.

Ming's tea shop is one of his first stops, but he finds the place much quieter than when he saw it last. Her disappearance coinciding with Khan's death has made a double blow, and the window for her return to be seen as fortuitous has grown very narrow indeed. He had suspected as much already, but has been unusually reluctant to press the issue, allowing Myra to deal with her alternate at her own pace. The woman's violent responses have made that charitable return unlikely, anyway. Her tea shop stands silent and closed, but after his time undercover as Johnny Liu, The Shadow finds entry easy. Lingering clues show a number of her followers made a brief return to this place, to recover extra weapons and money in a hurry. It seems likely they have chosen a less well-known spot as a new headquarters for any continuing criminal activity.
That in itself piques his interest, because it indicates they have found a reason to hide. Could the appearance of illusionary versions of himself, in a single battle, be enough to drive them underground? It seems unlikely that showing, with no further retribution, would be enough to inspire this. Unless his reputation before he faked his own death was even greater than he has ever known it to be. The Shadow will not allow himself that grand a flattery. It seems more likely the answer is that someone else has risen to a position of power, and they are not in command of the remnants of Ming's gang.

The palace is next, and he finds himself hesitating as he approaches. It is not Khan's palace, but that of his own alternate. The Shadow does not wish to admit that the battle has left an emotional scar, but standing alone surveying that fortress, he feels a shiver of trepidation.
There are no patrolling groups of guards, although there are definite signs of visitors since the battle. Curious followers in the wake of the battle, or possibly gang leaders seeking to take their leader's place, have left subtle marks of their passing. The building does not seem to be occupied, and The Shadow does not go further than a close inspection of the perimeter.

Working his way through the streets themselves is a far easier task. Silent and unseen he seeks out those who move through the night. There are social centers still, some more unsavoury than others, and creeping around better-lit and populated areas he spends much time listening. Not every conversation he glimpses is related to crime, but they still grant clues. There are also gatherings in the dark, muttered exchanges of passcodes and whispered meetings of criminal intent. Against his instincts he does not interrupt, but makes of himself an invisible audience. The gangs are broken, fragmented into subtly warring groups under inefficient leaders. Without the power of the false Khan to band them, these gangs are a lessened threat, confused and scrabbling to continue their old ways of crime.
A greater power has entered the scene, and the first time he hears the name it is an effort not to laugh.
The Underworld worries over the lawful power of Cliff Marsland. He is not yet powerful enough to disband them, but his stance is clear. With a man called Hawkeye at his side, he has stepped into the void left by Khan's fall to encourage that course to continue. He seems to aim to make the streets safe once more. Too wary to ally with one another, these splintered gangs have yet to unseat him from that position.

To The Shadow's mind, the future is looking up. The battle has left him distrustful of alternates, but it seems clear that the Cliff and Hawkeye of this world were agents to The Shadow before, and never followed him in his turn to crime. He would like an audience with these two himself, to be sure of their intent, but for this night he leaves satisfied. Their interview can wait. The Shadow has gained the information he came seeking, and is pleased with the results.

khan's ny

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