Oct 09, 2010 13:32


I know this makes you guys happy, right?? :D

Ok, here's the deal. Our AMAZING mod liliofthevaley  has been SUUUUPER busy, like I know we all have been lately, and she's graciously given me the reins to keep this place running! (YAY! SL LIIIIIIVES!) My aim is to keep this place going, slowly but steadily with maybe a couple challenges per week, unless you guys want more. I've asked wildalyss  to help me out with modding duties, and Lili will still be around to post challenges and things when she's able.

I LOVE this place, you guys, and I just CAN'T let it die!

Here are my thoughts for resuming gameplay - we can do one of two things: keep this round going, and use the points we've already accumulated from challenges BEFORE the spam challenge, or we can start over round two FRESH with 0 points for everyone.

That said, I need to know how many of you are still interested in participating, how many of you are going to be leaving, and how many may want to switch teams. I think we're going to keep the two-team system for now...just so we can gauge how much interest there is. :D

Everyone, please take a moment to fill out the form below and let me know where you stand on everything, ok? Thanks, loves! In the case of a tie or lack of input on the poll, I'm going to scrap points and start over from scratch, just so that you're forewarned. ;)

I'm giving until THURSDAY EVENING, CST to cast your votes!
Poll SanctuaryLand poll time!Also, I'm thinking of having a couple of spam posts for premiere day! (One post will be for flailing WITH SPOILERS; and one with ZERO SPOILERS for those of us, like me without cable and those in the UK, who'll have to be watching later on.)

Drop me a comment if you're interested in participating! Also, the posts would be open to EVERYONE in the fandom, just because we need to share the flail! SO, if you want to participate, let me know. If enough of you feel up to it, I'll make the posts later this week and then we can start pimping it out! :D


!mod post

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