coming up to the reveal...

Dec 30, 2011 10:43

I know lots of you have been chattering/guessing/bribing your way around who your author might be. Don't be too naughty now. ;)

Thank you again to everyone for reading and commenting. It isn't a party if the glorious fic doesn't get read and adored. It is an incredible round of stories. I've been reading my way through and I am utterly blown away by how good they are. *sniffs and hugs*

Please try to comment on your fic before the reveal on the first of January. I know the holidays are busy. I know people are traveling and may not have the best of internet access/laptops/smartphones, etc.

If you are really busy, tell your author. "Hey, sorry I'm in Bangladesh until the January and writing this with an elephant's smartphone, and I'm so happy you wrote me a fic. I can't wait to read it."

Three reasons you would make the mod very happy if you commented:

1) I think there's something magical about an anonymous gift you'll miss out on if you don't comment after the reveal. Strangers do not (I kinda wish they did) walk up to me in real life and give me gifts of Sanctuary. In a gift exchange, they do! It's awesome.

2) Remember all that work you put into writing your fic, getting a beta, posting? Someone did that for you. Please thank them. Even if they completely missed the idea you had, they invested time and effort for you. "Thanks for writing this for me." goes a long way.

3) "I wrote something and my recipient didn't thank me." is the biggest complaint I hear about gift exchanges. It is an awful feeling.

If you get pneumonia and aren't on the internet for months and then thank your gifter when you convalesce, that's fine and completely understandable.

If you don't thank your gifter while being active in other comms, posting to other things and obviously right on the damn internet...(like my last recipient did) that's terribly rude. Please don't do this. (I am still bitter and I don't want anyone else to be.)

If you have not commented on your fic by January 7th, I will email you to remind you.

mod post, commenting

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