Who: Romano (
cuori_di_ferro) and Spain (
el_desheredado) (perhaps N.Italy would like to visit at some point too?~)
What: Romano hasn't seen that idiot's face in awhile! So he's looking for him.
When: Early Afternoon
Where: South Wing/Looking for Spain
Warning: Language
Spain Spain Spain~ Where are youuu~ You only wish he said it that polite! )
"I uh...I got bored. So I thought I'd come see what the hell you were-...María, Madre de Dios, what the hell happened to your face?" Romano now noticed the bruising around the other nations head...like he had smacked it straight into something recently and it had smacked back.
"Did you run into a wall during that huge ass black out?" Romano asked, puffing out one of his cheeks and biting the side of his lip, this guy was hopeless! But it wasn't like Romano was worried or anything, no no, absolutely not, why would he be?
"Ah, yes. A wall. It was a book shelf, actually. Was in the library, when it happened; silly me." He chuckled a little bit, and shrugged. "You should see the bookshelf. Such a hard head." Still chuckling, he gently wrapped his knuckles on his scalp, and waved Romano in.
"Come on, come on, come in before someone sees you and decides you're all indecent. You and your brother and your obsession with being without pants; silly Italians."
"A book shelf huh? Nice going stupid!" It was something the Italian would normally say, but the way he said it had a questioning ring to it still...which sadly gave Romano something akin to Poland's speaking style for a moment before he shuddered it off.
"Those book shelfs man...picking fights. But glad to see you hit it back." Romano nodded to the others knuckles, noting the slight redness on the skin. Romano had punched enough of Spain's head in a lifetime to know it hurts your hand just as bad to punch as it does the skull of the person you punch.
"Well, I had to defend myself, didn't I? Couldn't very well let the book shelf get away with all that rough housing. Had to show it who the boss was--me! Boss Spain!"
He winced as his voice got louder, but tried to cover it up with a smile.
"...what really happened? At first I kinda believed ya, but now I know you're just messing with me!"
The elder Italian crossed his arms and stared at Spain pointedly, "Spit it out, boss. Did one of those orderlies pop you one?"
Despite how irritated Romano sounded there was genuine concern on his face, accented more by the fact he always seemed to blush when he showed his worried side.
Spain sighed a little, though it lightened his heart to see the concern for him. He hid his smile until he was turned into his closet, rifling through his things for his pack of cigarettes and box of matches.
"I just got in a bit of a scuffle. It's nothing. You should see the other guy." Except he was sure England was the better of them at the end of it all, or at least nursing only a more bruised ego.
With a snort he nodded at the box in Spain's hand, "I want one."
The Italian was very direct when it came to the other man, he knew all to well he could ask him for anything and Spain would half kill himself trying to get it...not that Romano was one to take advantage of that fact.
He didn't even smoke, but for some reason he wanted to if Spain was.
"...so who'd ya beat the shit outta? Hope it was one of those doctors- well not my doctor. He's a pretty okay guy for being one of the potato's men."
For a minute, he was quiet, staring at his knees, then he laughed. "England. Stupid, right? Didn't know he was even in the library. Couldn't even make it a good fight trying to get out of his sorry place."
Taking the cigarette from his mouth to exhale he choked and tried to breathe clearly, "W-what?! England? Wh...are you crazy? I mean that guy seems like a total stuffy woman, but he's scary when he fights!"
The Italian took a drag more slowly this time, pushing the smoke out his nostrils like a bull before letting it out his mouth.
"Shit...no wonder you're so beat to hell. Did you let those doctors look at ya or no?"
The concern in Romano's voice made his hand briefly ghost to his injured rib, before he let it fall again, and he beamed more assuredly as he carefully puffed on his cigarette. None of his inhales were nearly the sort of deep breathes necessary for smoking.
"It's really just the bruises and stuff, nothing to bother the doctors over."
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