Who: America
ihasachezburger, Belgium
flanders_fieldsWhat: OMG IT'S THANKSGIVING!!1
Where: Kitchen
When: Dinner time
America sat at the kitchen table with a small spread in front of him. To his sides were a small bowls of stuffing and mashed potatoes with a generous amount of gravy on top. A small plate to the side had a slightly jiggling tower of cranberry sauce that still had the ridges on it from being in a can not too long ago. But all that was just side dishes to supplement America's grand centerpiece.
A turkey sandwich on white bread.
No matter how long America stared at it, surrounding it with relatively easy to make essentials for a Thanksgiving dinner... It just wasn't the same. Oh how he longed to see a large bird roasted to absolute perfection in front of him, that delicious slightly crisp brown skin that was a guilty pleasure, picking and prodding quickly to get the best pieces of dark and light meat, and the always fun wishbone at the end. America sighed... Not even sliced turkey had the same smell as roasted turkey.
"Well... It might not be what I wanted but... Happy Thanksgiving." America picked up the turkey sandwich and took a large bite out of it.