Who: Bulgaria and Lithuania +others if they'd like to join
What: Comfort food?
Where: The kitchen.
When: Afternoon sometime?
Rating: Might be a little swearing on Bulgaria's part so, PG
It had been a while since Bulgaria had had something in his stomach that would remind him of home. And the mere offer of Russian cuisine from Lithuania was beyond comforting to him. He had gone long enough without the sweet reminder of home, that this charitable gift from the other nation was such a welcoming notion, that Bulgaria was more than pleased. Cravings weren't apparent right now, as long as it was warm and tasty, it was acceptable. While he wasn't too clear as to why he and other nations were trapped within this rather luxurious building...he was grateful for the exceptional kitchen that was placed inside of it. In fact, he was grateful for just about everything here. Granted, he wasn't thrilled of having to be kept inside such a building. Bulgaria was already craving the outdoors, and fresh air, animals, the ocean...God, he'd love to go to Varna right about now and just...sit upon the beach and laze about. But, he could refrain from dreaming about that right now. For right now, all that mattered was that there was someone kind here who was willing to spend a bit of time with him. It made him smile. Especially since this nation was another of Mr. Russia's companions. It was nice to see that he wasn't alone here.
"Thank you, Lithuania." he said politely, smiling at the man. "I truly appreciate this." Bulgaria smiled gently, only a slight bit of discomfort at the moment. A part to him had to wonder if it would be acceptable to be friendly with said man. Alas, he knew it was probably be a bad idea in the long run. But for now, it couldn't hurt to accept his kindness and dish out some of his own in return.