Round 14: Info

Feb 01, 2011 03:26

1. You must be a member to participate.
2. You must be signed-up to participate in the current round.
3. You will be given posting access when the round info is posted.
4. All icons must be stills, not animated, unless animation is part of the theme.
5. All icons must be 100x100 pixels at the largest, no larger than 40kb, and either in .png, .jpg, or .gif file format.
6. Please keep all icons PG/PG-13 rated (no nudity, etc). If you aren't sure if an icon's content is ok, please feel free to contact one of the mods and ask.
7. All icons must be made new for the current round.
8. Icons may be posted anytime after the round info post is posted and before midnight on February 20th.
9. Please post your entry with 2 teaser icons and a link to your personal or graphics journal. Make sure your post is public until voting is over and the round's results are up. Posting is moderated, so your post won't appear immediately. One of the mods will tag your post for you. Please use the quote "Is this how all Oxford classmates treat each other?" for your subject line.
10. Spoiler policy: You cannot use episodic images from season 3 until 1 week after the American air date of each episode. This includes any and all episode related season three behind the scenes pictures, promo images, etc. If you use any images from season three, please note so in your post to the community.
11. If you use any textures or brushes (text, frames, brushes, etc.), please credit the original maker in your post or with a link to your graphics resources post.
12. Please try to comment on the other participants' posts.

The list of Round 14 participants is here.

THEMES: Interpret as you wish.
History, Science, Math, Language, Social Studies, Geography, Art, Music, P. E., Biology

Recess: Claimed character during their time off, break, vacation, etc.

Five icons of your choice.

If you have any questions or need an example of an icon, feel free to ask. Have fun!

!round 14: info, !round info, !round 14

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