Jan 17, 2006 07:49
so back to school now
no matter how tired i am i always find a way to get up too early instead of too late.
so here i am trying to pass some time with a much needed journal entry.
this semester will be good as far as classes go. i pretty much have the second installment of everything i took last semester... and then a psyc class added on just because i find that interesting.
as far as life goes, i wouldn't mind fast forwarding this part. i don't want it to be this semester... i want it to be next year. i've been making so many plans for next year lately: where to live, who to live with, what classes to take, who to hang out with, even what to eat.
i'm looking forward to next year way too much. and it's making it hard to enjoy this one.
this one's just so warped though. nothing's really playing out how i want it to. this semester comes with many complications.
but as i read in jenna's journal, we must take the bad with the good. and so i shall.
today my soundtrack plays:
i do believe it's true. that there are roads left in both of our shoes.
and if the silence takes you then i hope it takes me too.
so brown eyes i hold you near. you're the only song i want to hear.
a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere.
:and it brings me hope
love to all,