stanley looked quite bored and somewhat detached, but then penguins often do.

May 12, 2010 16:22

like an overripe beefsteak tomato rimmed with cottage cheese, the corpulent remains of santa claus lay dead on the hotel floor.

that's right....santa's dead.  but anyway...

i've successfully spent my entire checking account on a trip to germany and i have exactly 32 days to save enough money to spend over there.  my flight leaves a month from tomorrowi also need to learn some words.  i only know "bratwurst" and "auschwitz", so as it stands right now i'm either going to get fed or killed.  i'm staying in munich with Cappelle, who gets free hotels thru his job.  we'll be about 3 or 4 blocks from the Hofbrauhaus, which is infamous for being one of the launching pads of nazi socialist movement.  the irony of this is that Cappelle has, over the years, created a reputation for himself as being an anti-semitic redneck (jokingly of course....but at age 26 we really don't care), and i will be drinking beer with him in the very building where hitler decided to implement mass genocide on a couple million jews.  you can't script this get the point.

i ditched crystal, a few months ago now.  it was a not-so-fun-but-wise decision....the complete opposite of my decision to go to germany.  in brief, she is the same abominable train wreck she was 8 years ago and i can't see that changing anytime soon.  it just took me less time to figure it out this time around.  nothing gained, nothing lost.  i told her to keep her distance.  she gets the point.

in a little over a month, just-fucking-chaos will encompass my entire left arm.  i've got an appointment to get my first tattoo.  it will be a full sleeve.  so much for NOT overindulging.  i'd try to explain what it looks like,'s essentially a catalogue of all my international "escapades".  i had a consultation with justin (the tat artist) yesterday.  we looked at all the pictures i've taken from japan, korea, the dominican, england, shot travel stories back and forth and just tried to establish a concept.  he asked if there was a common theme that tied all of my experiences abroad together, and the only thing i could think of to tell him was "just.....fucking chaos."  and he picked up with it right away.  so that's the artwork theme we're going with: just-fucking-chaos.  he gets the point.

seeyall @ okie dogs
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