JYJ US Publicist lesleyzmediapr blocked me in twitter

Oct 30, 2010 01:12

Chain of events ~

JYJ article in Yahoo Music new.music.yahoo.com/programs/the-new-now/13417/jyj-the-biggest-boy-band-in-the-world-youve-never-heard-of

lesleyzmediapr tweets ~
Cassies: Please don't bother Yahoo about the mistake re Guinness. She only knew what I gave her. The US press knows nothing yet about JYJ.

Umm she made a mistake and is asking fans not to point it out?

lesleyzmediapr tweets ~
A very few Cassies don't realize JYJ is not known in US by the press. Please don't complain every time something isn't perfect. Too much.

Isn't that the reason why she has been hired?
I tweet ~
@lesleyzmediapr Er yeah, of course they are not known that is the whole point of promoting them in the US.

Maybe you could do a better job!

WTF NO SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK? This woman is the face of JYJ in the US??

I tweet ~
Maybe if that was my chosen profession. Understand u r under pressure but no need to loose your cool.

And that is when she blocked me and I have to say to her is ~


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