May 19, 2011 11:56
I've been to the movies last night, and we watched Priest...
First of all, I had no idea what the movie was about, just that Paul Bettany is playing the priest, therfore I decided that I had to see this movie!
So, let's see, the intro was great and my expectation were rising, because no one could fall short, if they have such an intro, yes?
No! The whole movie was one great introduchtion, no conclusion no real show down, ok the minions were defeated, and the war was declared, but you cannot just end a movie with a war declaration!!!! Hello, I wanted to see some more battling!!!
So enough ranting, let's see what I liked about the movie... well the character design is really great! I loved the sheriff and farmers daughter love affaire... and the priestess who had always loved a fellow priest, well that has a lot of potention, an Maggie Q was great in that role!
Well the bad guy was not well introduced... ok we knew that he was a priest, before he was turned into the first human vampire, but we never know his motivation, nor if he wants his fellow priest to join him... ok he asks them every time he meets them, but they say no so he kills them, that is SO non-persuasive!!!
ANd the vampires in itself? Why couldn't the regisseur stay with the original enemy of demons? That would have been better in my opinion... But the vampire hype even finds Hollywood....
So that's my ramblings to Priest!
rl update; movies