Aug 20, 2003 00:11
Word up.
I haven't updated in a while (while = about 2 weeks...), because frankly, things haven't been that interesting. Well, some stuff has happened.
Last week was spent at the university at my refresher's course. I can honestly say that in all my life, this is the time I've been the most unsure about something. This whole choice of going into math happened super randomly during the past school year. I thought I was good at it, and by being good at it, I enjoyed it. Well let me tell you, when I stepped in that class, oh boy. I knew for a fact that calculus would be my downfall, but holy fuck was it ever boring/hard. I hate calculus, it's soo unelegant (is that a word?). Algebra was okay, there was only a couple of things here and there that concerned me, but the professor wasn't all that great to begin with. Ah the joy and fun of stress.
As well as attending that class, alot of the week was spent with marie-claude... and the ex. We make an interesting threesome of friends (no sex pun intended). Ever since I've had the talk about my ex feeling as though she's the third wheel, things have been pretty smooth in between all three of us. Spending time with sophie has been really nice... I don't think its the healthiest choice, but when's the last time I ever made a healthy choice eh? Gosh I really like that girl. Too bad lately we've been fighting again. I sort of went out of line in our last argument by swearing alot, but she had no right to push me around... I guess I just snapped. Well things are going better, I think.
It's so weird how I've been missing marie-claude; she's gone on a trip for a week (which started last saturday). I guess when you spend so much time with a person, withdrawl is bound to happen right? right. She witnessed my first homerun *taps myself on the back*. It's funny how she's been attending all my sporting events (fastball, soccer, etc)... Holy crap my ideas aren't flowing at all. brain disfunction.
A week and a half, and it'll be the time of the reckoning... University is sooo near by. I have the biggest feeling I'm going to freak out with the whole big change issue. For those who don't know, I deal somewhat badly with change. Changing schools in 5th grade made me a total nutcase, going to highschool for the first time landed me with a psychologist, not being able to be with my regular friends in 7th and 8th grade got me totally depressed, wonder what first year will be like...
anyways off to being a total dork and playing some warcraft 3 ( I have my brother's computer for the next 3 days so it's gaming, gaming, gaming for me!)