Jan 14, 2006 01:29
come one. you all know i'd do it. and i can't sleep. and i'm ironing my shirt for work tomorrow morning. and watching "room raiders" on mtv.
Ground Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write an entry about his/her 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. i use my blanket to simulate neil snuggling me when he doesn't sleep over so i don't get lonely, which is not often at all because he basically lives here ;) , but i still do it
2. i can't shower without the toilet seat down
3. when i'm bored at work, i make up funny voices to make people laugh. i also use props and sometimes do a sing and dance jig. sounds normal, but it's not when i do it. tonight kelly and i got bored of waiting for our manager to check us so we could leave, so we hung out in the freezer for a couple minutes and i made about 3 pyramids with frozen foods
4. i enjoy ketchup with my grilled cheese sandwiches. at least most people tell me that it's weird
5. sometimes i will do my hair- aka ponytail- several times before i get it right, no bumps, no flyaways, no stray hairs, before bedtime. it irks me to go to bed with hair falling out of my ponytail
I tag: Yaxipad, Neil (even though i know he'll never do it), Megan, Renlds, Jon