Welcome to Sanbaka Subs LJ community for Kanjani8 english fansubs releases by three irl-bff eighter fangirls and their collabs with the eigher community.
Follow us on twitter for live updates on projects~ @
SanbakaSubsAbout us:
Who are we?:
Sanbaka Subs: mysticwater, sadistangel and shirleypuff are three real life girl friends in Canada that share a love for Kanjani - they often have eito sleepover parties together. At once such party they all unanimously decided to create Sanbaka Subs and spread the eito love!
mysticwater is a former member of the Baka no Sekai and Ikemen Subbing subteams. She has been in the "Johnny's" scene since 2007, and fansubbing since 2008 - including the project lead for the [BNS] 47 DVD release and the movie Koizora independantly. She lived/worked in Japan from 2012-2013 and followed eito around for concerts- but is now back in Canada missing Kanjani8 like crazy. Her ichiban is Ohkura Tadayoshi, whom she affectionately calls "Yoshi". But Uchi will always have a place in her heart 8->1
Twitter: @
mysticwatersadistangel is an inactive translator of Eito Kick Ass subs, on how she got to being one and still continues to be one- she doesn't know. She pretends she knows Kanji, then cries. On her off days she updates nanikanjani@tumblr.com or at least tries to. She got to liking Yokoyama first without realizing he's in Kanjani8- and had denials with Uchi being her ichiban. You likely wont hear much from her as she likes popping in and out of hiatus.
Twitter: @
nyel_06shirleypuff is an eighter from Fukuoka, Japan - who moved to Canada for school and work. She befriended the previous two locally, thanks to twitter and kanjani hashtags. This is her first time working on a subteam and transcribing/translating eito. Her ichiban is Maru.
Twitter: @
sorx528 Please join the community as all releases will be member-locked 1 week after release!
Main Rules/FAQ
Why hasn't my request to join been approved?:
We moderate our communirty, if your account is brand new with no public posts to indicate acitivty there will be a hold on approval. It's always safer to comment here that you wish to join or have an active acount, or be an active member in the JE communities based off profile.
I want to share your releases outside Sanbaka Subs, can I?
At this time no. Please link directly to our community here if you wish to share!
- DO NOT upload any of our releases to online streaming sites, such as YouTube/Crunchyroll/Vimeo/Asian Drama sites etc.
- And DO NOT remove credits or tags from any softsub release files!