Oct 15, 2005 23:07
Argh..I was writing a journal entry when my computer crapped up and I lost the whole entry. So, since I can't waste time writing thi again, I'll write it quickly. XD
I finally started drawing my Envy-Lovers contest entry for dA.
Today was boring. Didn't do much.
Really weird thing happened. I was looking at the guide on my DVR, and I checked when Fullmetal Alchemist is on. On the channel right above Cartoon Network, they were playing a movie called Alchemy at the same time as FMA! O.O REALLY FREAKY!!!! (Duuuuuude. XD)
Oh yeah, and I got burned with a matchstick today....again...
Anyways, *takes a sip of her Red Bull* the sugar rush is wearing off, so I gotta hurry up and finish the lineart on my Envy piccu! *shifty eyes*
*disappears in a puff of smoke*
ZOMG! WTF!?!? We're SPIES!!! (Hahaha, sorry, inside joke >=D )
*disappears again*