Uggghh what a Tuesday!
What on Earth prompted me to think that taking Advanced Production, Japanese 2C, and 2 upper div econ classes in one quarter was a good idea at all?!
Four and a half more weeks.. That sounds so much longer than just saying I'm over halfway through week 7.
Accidentally dozed off on the couch after filming yesterday. That was crazy. Note to self: don't wear a shoulder mount for over four hours ever again.
Only two shots that I may want to retake.. Which is doing okay.
Let's see.. So I get back to the hall, get caught up in a game of hackeysac for an hour or so, then doze off on the couch till 10:30am today.
Went through internet stuff, so many emails...
Discussion was mildly weird - my ta really needs new markers
Grabbed a quick lunch sandwich
Went to Japanese, pretty interesting today
Studied for an hour
Sent out emails about the scene I intend to workshop during class tomorrow. Found some classmates to act it, then informed the professor about what exactly I wanted to work on.
Went to my finance class .. The professor needs to learn how to English. He never states what he wants to say. He always stops halfway through, says something kind of unnecessary and off topic, thrn kind of partially continues. It's so hard to understand.
Bit of studying
Went to office hours for a test retake.. Professor moved it to tomorrow because of unforeseen circumstances.
Thus I had time for dinner.
Quick dinner
AX sr meeting. Got caught up on the 1.5 months worth of stuff I've missed. Meetings are always held when I have other stuff to do nowadays.. Scheduling is so hard.
Skidaddled off to the study center to work with someone on some strategies of econ hw. We worked on the same question for a while.. Only to both end up with the same wrong answer. So we decided to ask the ta later and just keep going.
Decided to stop at 12:20AM.. Biked back to my hall through a surprisingly not empty campus.
Enjoyed a bowl of cereal.
I want some sleep.
But first, dishes to be washed.
The next week of my life is stupid busy... Possibly the rest of the month actually.
But at least it makes me feel kind of productive. Now I get why people tend to double major in similar subjects... Or at least subjects in the same school. School of Humanities + School of Social Sciences = ... Mrh not as bad as it could have been
-Mar Out
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