Back!! ^^

Jun 22, 2015 14:21

So...hey hahaha ^^;

After two years, I'm finally back haha.

I'm sorry that I haven't been very active on here lately. I don't really have any proper excuses except that I was just so busy with other stuff that I kinda forgot that I had an LJ and just kinda....stopped logging in? Yeah, yeah, I know -_-

But now that I'm back, I'll now make an effort to keep this journal active again :D. I won't recount everything that has happened to me in the past two years here (because that would just be really long O_O) but starting very soon (hopefully) I'll be back to posting updates on this journal ^^

I'll admit that a lot has changed in my life since my last entry here and I don't think my posts will be the same like before, but for the most part, the main essence or reason why I write stuff here is the same and that's to share my thoughts and experiences with anyone who might want to read about them. Or actually, now I guess I just consider this journal as a place where I could spill or vent about stuff. Baiscally kind of like an online diary.

Anyways, hope to see you guys soon in the next entry and hopefully, I'll be able to keep this up ^^


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