OK! Steffa is back with a MEEEAN new update! RAWR!
So I started p90x last month and I'm not gonna stop until I have the abs for THIS:
Yeah. Fucking right I'm doing this shit. ANIME NORTH 2011 MOTHAFUCKA! Oh if ONE more person asks how I am gonna do the chest... I swear... Tape my friends. It works.
I'd like to acknowledge the fact that I MAY be high on sugar and exercise. I did an hour of p90's core synergistics, sweated my ASS off, then walked with my bro for a slushie. Sleep is NOT on the brain. Actually not much is right now. Except absssssssssssssssssss. Must.. get... abssssssss.... Slushie is probably counterproductive to abs... raaaaaawr....
SO Sengoku Basara obsessed right now. I have a huge weakness for medieval honourable men. And I have a perma-weakness for Sanada Yukimura portrayals it seems.
guuuuuh I should go to bed. I have been reading a book called the Dictionary of Manliness because I finished reading Dune and fuck it's funny as HELL. Fucking loling in bed, doesn't help me get tired though.
Now playing:
Module - Kinetic Harvestvia